JUNE 2020 Horoscope
2020 is a history-making year. Regular reality is being deconstructed, a new normal is in the making. Change is always in our destiny, but how we change exemplifies our free will. At fated pivot points, we must exercise our right to decide- what will we choose for the future of our lives, our country, and our planet?
We must now be more responsible than ever because our choices will tip the fate of history.
June is the most complex month of the entire year as 6 planets simultaneously retrograde accompanied by 2 fiery eclipses. Plainly, our moment has arrived. Imperative issues sit on the table for sorting out all at once. On a personal level, we are reassessing our inner values, material resources, relationships, beliefs, fear, and adaptability. On a large scale, we are addressing human rights, privilege, justice, freedom, personal autonomy, health, economy, and the role of government.
For those who read my article last month titled “The Most F@%&#’ed Up Week In Astrology”, what’s coming in June is a step up from that- particularly during the third week. History hangs in the balance this month, so I will be dedicating a special article to guide us through it. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, let us stay kind yet active, informed and curious, hopeful- not blind, and assured that we are the living change.
Now is the time.
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Uprooting. Something could be changing in your home, family, location, or business location—and its likely linked to a career or relationship shift. Already last month key conversations, initial research, important information, or preliminary documents were put in place. Action steps start in June but really take off over the next six months from July-December. Personally, have some candid conversations with yourself and others; get the facts straight and say what needs to be said. It’s a good time re-hash past events but careful about becoming nostalgic and glossing things over with rose-colored glasses, especially around 6/13.
Be mindful of hidden frustrations, passive aggressive behaviors, denial or scheming with ulterior motives. This could be you or the other person. Professionally, you might disengage from some financially binding contracts to be materially freed for more desirable transitions. This is a strong year for career reinvention so don’t resist turbulents and transitions that carry ambition in new directions. Take decisive action in business and personal matters around 6/2, 6/6, 6/18-20 and the last two days of the month. Overall, you feel more powerful beginning 6/27 through year’s end. Household, familial, or locational issues can get resolved over the next two months if you’re willing to uproot place or problems.
Financial variables. You’ve already been rethinking financial strategies and monetary commitments, but this month you may finally receive notice, take action, or get it on paper. An income source could be jeopardized or simply more work than its worth, or perhaps you’ve overcommitted financially to something you now wish to back out of. Problem is you likely signed a deal or made a formal agreement at the beginning of the year locking you in for the foreseeable future. It takes some detailed effort to disengage.
Networking could be your best friend this month as socializing lets others know you’re seeking an opportunity or needing guidance and interviewing or researching options gets you ahead of the curve. Take steps 6/2-3, 6/17-18 and 6/24-25. If a chance to withdraw from a monetary commitment such as a mortgage, lease, loan, or employment contract arises and feels right to you, take it. If you’re aching to travel perhaps an opportunity resulting from these fiscal changes is that you get to do just that. If you had recently relocated for one opportunity, you may relocate back again. Getting financial variables sorted out this year prepares you for a strong 2021 which is overall much more stellar for you.
Dollar diligence. The world’s eyes have been on you since May when the planetary destiny shifted into your sign where it will remain for the next two years. Meanwhile, love and money began its review cycle and remains up in the air through the last week of this month. You might be rethinking the profitability of a career path or business, remaking your personal image or branding, taking a break from a relationship, or rekindling a romance for one last try. Romantic efforts are favored 6/3 and 6/5, while professional efforts are favored 6/2 and 6/6. This is a good month to be most proactive about business but watch out 6/11-13 when its hard to see things clearly; you might overlook a factual detail or interpersonal nuance that has financial repercussions over the next three weeks.
Keep an eye on money during a fiscal editing cycle mid-June through mid-July; pay taxes on time, reduce unnecessary expenses, reprice your services, and be alert that things like identity theft or financial fraud are happening more commonly. To keep it positive focus on new ways you can make more money, especially 6/22-25 through November. The last day of the month boosts your wealth-building sector as a reminder to reignite your dollar diligence.
Closing chapters. Things have been changing behind the scenes in work, a lease, or love since last month. Though private about it at first, June forces things out into the open. Key negotiations around a business/legal document or formal agreement could be required to keep things moving. Ultimately you may have to professionally rebrand or personally tell your story; putting it in writing could help and a lawyer or consultant might assist. A partnership change, location change, or change in overall life direction occurs 6/17-7/12 which is the most important time frame for you this year- make decisions that count during those three weeks. These shifts are likely something you could already feel coming since December 2019/January 2020 so don’t resist their manifestation now.
Your best opportunity windows are 6/20 and 6/29, though events may feel bumpy at first glance. Especially if you’ve needed to transition a work situation or lease, now through next month is the ideal time to do it; otherwise, you may have to wait until holiday season. In the backdrop, your wellbeing will improve if you allow these changes to flow. Stress from the longstanding circumstances could have taken a toll on your physical or mental health. Time to close this chapter as a new season in life begins.ly.
Changing places and faces. Changes within a professional organization or hobbyist group association could feel imminent as bonds have been loosening since last month. You want to get out of there or perhaps they are ready to send you on the way. It’s not an easy decision as these people are your friends and teammates but clearly something has got to give. It may require a formal business or legal notice to crystallize the changes. Watch out for workplace gossip as others slowly become aware of your plans. In the backdrop a work situation, employment contract, or lease could quietly unravel. You may feel eclipsed around 6/-5-6 and 6/20-21. If you don’t complete the changes in June-July then you’ll have to wait until October-November. For some, mental or physical health could also be a subtle driver of the decision.
Heads up there could be a delay in resolving legal matters, marketing/promoting a project, or travel plans throughout the second half of this year. In your personal life, be mindful of ‘frenemies’ who easily change allegiances or returning exes professing their changed ways. On a positive note, you may have recently rekindled old hobbies or friendships that have reenergized your creative nature that reach peak
enjoyment 6/3 and 6/24-25.
Follow the feel good. Career changes on the horizon could be linked to shifts in romance or a desire for more freedom and creativity. But watch your reputation and make sure the decisions are enhancing, not hurting, your good name. You could be in the midst of changing companies, revamping a business, or stepping down from a leadership role. Is the driver a better financial opportunity elsewhere, a needed image boost, or that you’ve fallen in love or perhaps ended a relationship? Follow the pleasure principle to welcome changes your heart can live with. You could soon announce a new alignment with a different company or person.
Hopes you’ve been sitting on since last month gain momentum 6/2-6, but not without some tension. Be sure to see things as they really are- not as you fantasize them to be- with another person you’re romantically or professionally allied with on 6/11-13. You’d hate to make such a drastic change only to discover a lot of it was in your imagination. Once bearings are accurate and grounded, you’re best positioned to follow through with the decisions starting the mid-June through July’s end. More information about this person arrives 6/22-25 giving you a sense of how to proceed. You’ll work out intimacy issue and wealth-building strategies for the remaining six months of this year.
Up the ladder or back to the house. Get educated about options linked to career moves and, if ready, get the opportunities formalized in a proposal or deal. Leading up to this month you recently may have been learning something new, attaining an academic certification or professional credential, researching about new possibilities in your field, involved in international transactions or with foreigners, or sorting legal matters. June invites you to finally make leadership decisions that will impact your direction and role. Family, location, or household desires could underscore your reason for these decisions. The shift should feel unsurprising as these are changes you may have been wanting since 2019.Action arises 6/17-7/12, with familiar scenarios replaying around 6/21 and 6/29.
In the backdrop, changes with a romantic relationship or business partnership are on the docket during the last six months of this year beginning near 6/27. Overall, the more you know the more effective your action will be. Look into scholarly and legal perspectives about what you think you want to do. It doesn’t hurt to take things slow and calculated, or even to recalibrate the original plan. Ultimately you may be wanting to move up the ladder, or out of the boardroom into the homeroom.
Bets and investments. Contracts and agreements about money, investments, and business matters dominate your thoughts. This year you may be restructuring your future capital plan and the summer months are a strong leading indicator of what needs to downsize and what needs reinforcement. For some, debts, stocks, or resource involvements with banks or government could bring a strain. If you’ve been worried about the potential of unemployment or solvency, it may come to fruition now if there are other indicators. Speak to a financial advisor or business consultant to help guide next steps- it’s too important to contemplate singularly.
On a personal level, you may be challenged to find the difference between codependency versus interdependency with a romantic partner or business partner. One of you may be codependent on the other for resources which forces you to explore ideas around intimacy, trust, sharing, and mutual responsibility. Symbolically this is a lesson about learning to express ideas with clarity and confidence and listen too. You ultimately succeed when healthy interdependence feels like true collaboration. You’re poised to make money decisions around 6/2, 6/6, 6/18-20 and 6/22 as your creativity sector activates entrepreneurial solutions and a desire for material freedom (or freedom from material things!).
Partnership and property. Interpersonal upheaval continues as romantic relationships and business partnerships remain under review from May. This month you’ll address money and property issues in addition. Your love life may have recently experienced a left turn instigated by a breakup, unexpected event, reunion with an ex, or meeting someone new whose longevity is unpredictable. While love is in ‘time out’, get your financial ducks in a row. From 6/17-7/12 either refocus energy away from current romantic doldrums towards creating material success in business or go get your stuff back from a lover. For those reigniting an old fuse or fanning a new flame, this could also be the timeframe during which sexual chemistry heats up.
In business some may have severed a professional partnership or be reassessing it, now it’s time to talk money, stocks, mutual investment, shared profit, and effort on both sides. This year still has strong financial potential for you, so remain in money mode amid the global chaos. 6/2-6 and 6/11-13 signal changes at home or the business home base and you are looking to those you’re linked up with to see what next steps will shake out. The living situation or business location remains under transformation from 6/22 through holiday season. 6/5 is an extremely powerful activation period, perhaps your most powerful all year, and will be complimented by another turning point in December. Relationships improve after 6/25 and your primed for greater romance or entrepreneurial creativity starting 6/27 through year’s end.
Hitting the fan. A job situation or lease is already in flux, but soon a relationship or business partnership will shift too. Hidden frustrations, private worries, or dormant desires creep behind closed doors near 6/5 as you meanwhile play cool on the surface. What you have thought might happen or would like to have happen could come to pass this month or next. Some might be job hunting or business planning in a scramble to escape the tanking economy. As part of that a lease or temporary living or temporary office situation might be part of the conversation. In fact, your household or business location is indeed due for a re-vamp later this year towards the end of summer into early fall. You probably already guess that now.
Adding fuel to the flame is the question of relationship—will you take someone special into that next chapter or can you only move into the next chapter once you swipe the deck clean? Those already involved could experience a romantic deciding point during the June-July. Singletons be warned this is not the best time to meet someone new; furthermore, be warned of reemerging exes. Interpersonal interactions get sticky 6/17-7/12 with 6/20 potentially serving as a critical pivot point of which way things will swing. Already things start shifting in your domestic headquarters 6/27 through year’s end. 6/30 pushes you in the direction of destiny you had originally planned to pursue this year back around New Year’s before the world went upside down.
Up in the air. A relatively new romance could reach the deciding point, or a hot affair temporarily heats up but its longevity is unpredictable. Watch out equally for temptation to stray as much as to stay—signals are mixed either way. For professionals, an entrepreneurial venture may falter or delay as the world spins in chaos but, don’t give up just yet. For some, a child-related issue or family planning discussion about future children hangs in the air.
Adding to things, a work situation soon needs to get sorted out. Financial uncertainty is fueling pressure. Will you continue with the same job? Are you looking for new professional opportunities? If you stay, does the current business model require restructuring to survive the ‘new normal’? As part of the shift you may change a lease, employment agreement, hire/fire, or redefine office hierarchy. Next year will be more significant for you, so don’t be surprised if there’s lots to let go of in 2020 to make way for the future. 6/29-7/1 propels forward motion through necessary unraveling.
Heat at home. The fundamental question, which may have been bothering you since last year or changed last year, is where are you going to be? Location- whether domestically, geographically, or in company- plays a role in rooting you for success. Strides may have already been taken last year, but this summer reveals something is still unsettled with the spot or family. The issue reignites due to something with a child, entrepreneurial endeavor, creative project, romantic decision, or overall desire for more freedom and fun.
In the big picture, you’re defining how your future career should look and most likely a change of title or leadership role will accompany that. If you’ve recently changed professional organizations, more changes are still yet to come; for those contemplating an organizational shift but haven’t acted on it yet, you’re strongly positioned to execute it during the second half of this year. In coming months you’ll reorganize finances to fund those intentions or, perhaps a sudden income shift necessitates those changes anyways. June starts intensely 6/2-6 with lots of issues and opportunities on the table, 6/11-13 is potentially the most challenging time for you to see clearly or experience decision paralysis, 6/18-20 could signal news from a professional organization or group involvement, and at least some progress can
be made after 6/22-24.
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This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for each zodiac sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.