The Most F@%#'ed Up Week In Astrology

This was one of the toughest weeks of the year astrologically!

And here's why: 3 planets turn retrograde (making 4 total retrogrades in current skies) plus Mars, the warrior, gets dealt an underhand the week of May 11th 2020.

  • Saturn Retrograde revamps shaky foundations—especially linked to money or owned assets- which ultimately makes you wiser with long-term planning and gives you time to strengthen your material support system.

  • Jupiter Retrograde encourages you to downsize expenses, luxuries, and cluttering possessions and to re-invest in professional skills.

  • Venus Retrograde confronts relationship issues and asks you to address what you really want from others and if you are holding up your end of the deal.

  • Mars in Pisces inspires you to find creative or spiritual outlets for emotional distress and invites you to treat others more charitably. It also, however, makes you super connected to collective feelings of despair about the world situation.


The US economy will dip further during this summer, inciting more corporate layoffs, big business bankruptcies, real estate foreclosures, rising food prices and entire industries to simply disappear. It will be a forced reconciling of America's extravagant consumer society and reveal the fallacies of indulging big businesses with little regulation. The US may even be forced to make trade agreements with "frenemies" just to get by. The White House may experience health safety challenges and industry officials could be responding to lawsuits brought against them by the people for pandemic mishaps.

Follow the money carefully as we may be surprised to discover where our tax dollars are going and how the financial backers of certain organizations have a conflict-of-interest. World chaos has created a competitive and profitable arena for those who provide solutions, but be watchful for slights-of-hand with some who may position themselves as compassionate heroes but have a more selfish agenda. We have the next few months to reevaluate new laws in their relation to the structural integrity of the American Constitution. 

The plot only thickens next month when two more planets join the Retrograde review (making 6 total retrogrades in June) plus an eclipse series throws a match to the flames. Good news is we'll be almost halfway through 2020 by then, and August and December are much brighter.

Stay strong, we're going to get through this!

The day-by-day breakdown:

May 11th - September 29th

Structural Integrity. Shaky foundations require a reboot heralded by the five month Saturn Retrograde cycle. If your life seemed to easily and quickly fall apart amid the global pandemic, were you really that solid to begin with? Perhaps through this challenge you are learning a wiser appreciation for long-term planning such as taking financial savings more seriously, the need to have multiple income streams, the importance of preventative healthcare, and necessity of emotional and relational stability. Time to strengthen your support system.

Nationally, we are headed for further decline over the summer, especially in the economy, as Saturn joins Jupiter and Pluto's reverse trek. On a deeper level, rules are going to questioned in terms of whether they do or do not support the structural integrity of the American Constitution. Watch out for those who try to blatantly change the rules of our rulebook and question who gets to make the rules and why. Americans may realize that previous legislation protected corporations and government at the detriment of citizens, and challenge newly implemented mandates that detract from the foundational values our country was built on. The question remains- what do we stand for?   

May 12th - June 25th

Relationship & Resource Recycle. Breakups, makeups, affairs and reversal of fortunes bring soap opera drama to our everyday lives for the next five weeks as Venus—governess of love and money—goes Retrograde. It's time to review relationships and resources. Couples in quarantine may struggle, discovering their values aren't aligned or that they're only staying together for material convenience. Some may end up coupling during quarantine simply for security, then uncouple once freedom calls. This is going to be a big year for divorces and separations. Some couples may temporarily take a break while other reunite. Singletons may feel love has abandoned them during isolation or seek digital romance in lieu of real life meetups. If you part ways, be sure it’s because of a legitimate underlying issue and not a circumstantial challenge. If you reconnect, be sure this person deserves a second chance and that you're not just being nostalgic. Be mindful of the fleeting affair that arrives and leaves suddenly; it could provide healthy romantic distraction, or could create romantic frustration if it’s not all that it seems. You or the other person might not be completely available. Social isolation restrictions could relax, allowing us to reconnect with each other.

Overall, this global "near death experience" should make us all re-evaluate what we really want in our connections with others and reprioritize the value of relationships in our materialistic society. Financially, you might lose an income source or be hit with an unexpected expense; this is not a good time to begin significant new monetary commitments such as buying a house or launching a business.

On a national level, this is another indicator of the next economic downturn yet to come and could signal lawsuits brought against officials by the people for mishandling the crisis. Tensions or treaties with China may arise as they are somewhat of a "frenemy" to the US. We could compromise on trade agreements with China in order to keep America stocked with supplies we have become dependent on them for. America may privately be becoming more like China in our social policies although we criticize them publicly.

Some kind of deception in finances or appearances is occurring with Venus in Retrograde, so watch where tax dollars, research funds and aid money are really going. We may also discover that those who are funding certain organizations receive benefits from that organization that create a conflict of interest. Socially, there could be announcements or opportunities made to appease the people which inspires celebration that is actually false hope. Keep an eye out for slight-of-hand.

May 13th - June 25th

Compassionate Heroes. Service and spirituality combine as Mars—the warrior—graces the universalist sign of Pisces over the next five weeks.

Personally, you may feel more creative, inclined to volunteer or donate charitably, or pursue spiritual practices to help process the current crisis. You will be extra intuitive and connected to collective concern about the state of the world. If you're drowning in emotions, they may not all be your own; pay attention global pain, hope, and broader information about what's really going on.

Nationally, we may see art, music, and film emerging about the health crisis; celebrities may offer performances or contributions to help those affected by the pandemic. Nationalism, or love of one's country, runs strong; debates about what's "American vs Un-American" rising now will result in a battle from September-November.

Over the next three months, watch out for government land-grabs, early indicators of a lagging real estate market, and rising food prices as the agriculture industry strains. There may also be underlying issues of health safety at the White House and strong demand from the people for greater accuracy in reporting the death count. Anticipate lots of talk surrounding healthcare innovations. Keep alert for those who may deceptively position as compassionate heroes, but have another agenda or stand to benefit from rescuing the crisis. 

May 14th - September 12th

Downsizing. Retraction is on the horizon for the next five months during the Jupiter Retrograde cycle, resulting in downsizings of all kinds. How many things and expenses do you really need? You might offload extra items for extra money during cash-strapped times, reduce luxury spending, trade in your mega mortgage for reduced rent elsewhere, and re-invest in professional skills.

The US economy will drop during the next five months since three planets—Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto—all retrograde in our country's money sector. Major employers will enforce further layoffs with many big businesses filing bankruptcy; retail will especially suffer as consumerism just isn't affordable to citizens right now. Real estate and the stock market will show dips, and the travel and events industries may be on the verge of evaporating. A second economic stimulus package may be required.

May 15th - 17th

Sunshine after the rain. One of the toughest weeks of the year astrologically ends on a bright note with two Sun trines. Hidden information or backlogged emotions get revealed which lightens the load. At least you've got some things on the table so you can deal with it now. You may feel surprisingly jubilant after a stressful few days.

Wondering how to navigate the changing times?

This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for the country as a whole sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.

Book a guidance session with me to chart your course:


JUNE 2020 Horoscope


MAY 2020 Horoscope