Discover The YOU You Were Born To Be.
Self-Awareness and Decision-Making Accelerator for professionals looking to discover their purpose and maximize their potential.
This program teaches Unshakable Clarity On Who You Are + What Is Meant For You.
Discover your Purpose & learn to make Choices that attract the right relationships + opportunities aligned to your unique energy pattern.
Do you wonder…
What is my Life Purpose?
Am I Doing The Right Things to stay on my Path?
How can I Maximize My Potential?
What’s in the cards for my Relationships + Career?
How do I get Clarity on what I should say Yes vs. No to?
How can I feel Happier and More Fulfilled?

“Know Thyself.”
The age-old proverb inscribed at the ancient Temple Of Delphi where the world’s most famous oracle, or wise woman, once resided.
It sounds simple enough.
But how well do you really know yourself?
How willing are you to bet that you’re making fully conscious decisions?
When you feel unfulfilled, it is because you are out of alignment with your nature or inner archetypes. You are not doing “what you are supposed to be doing”, and it can make you feel:
When out of touch with your archetypal nature, you may be tempted to make self-limiting choices that compromise your happiness and potential:
Random “yes’s” that you don’t really mean because you lack intention and direction.
Copying or mimicking choices that external sources or other people have made hoping it’ll work for you too.
Giving in to the preferences of others.
‘Going with the flow’- a cover up for the reality that you don’t really know what you want, so you are taking what you’re offered.
Constantly being busy but never fulfilled, even if you are “successful” by society’s standards.

The secret to your Life Purpose resides in the foundational physics that brought you to life:
the Mathematics of the Universe.
All life begins as Energy birthed in the Quantum Field - with a Cosmic Code - containing Patterns that describe what it is intended to become.
To discover the meaning of your life, go straight to the source for directions:
the Cosmic Code derived from your birthday reveals your unique energy patterns.
There are 12 Energy Archetypes, 12 Paths To Purpose, 10 Keys To Manifestation, and infinite mathematical combinations. My job is to decipher your Cosmic Code to give you the map of your patterns, purpose, and potential.
Find out what you don’t know about why you’re here.

“I wanted a plan written by God to know my direction in life- and this program was it. Maurielle helped me get in touch with the Higher Power guiding my life and put energy toward the right things."
David N.- Owner, Digital Marketing Agency
"Maurielle saw through the patterns of my life to define my Value Stories so I was clear on what specific achievements to be looking for in success, love, money, happiness -- and I had never seen the clues in my patterns staring me straight in the face!"
Joe R.- Realtor
“This is better than therapy. Maurielle helped reassure me of my Life Path, make Confident Choices, and see my Relationship Patterns-- I had the courage to leave a 14-year unhappy marriage and found a better partner."
Julia S.- Owner, Photography Studio
"I found faith in my Life Purpose and finally saw how my career could help others. I felt empowered to leave a toxic relationship, move to another state, and launch a wellness retreat."
Michelle L.- Holistic Health Practitioner

Seeing beyond your blind spots into your potential, knowing who you are and what is meant for you, and always being able to make the right decisions.
Life Purpose
Why You’re Here + Action Steps Into Alignment.
Roles you’re meant to fulfill, arenas where you shine, what others seek from you, Past-Present-Future identities, why you feel lost, and immediate next steps to shift into alignment.
Plus, the Hand Of Destiny exercise {$200 value}.
Self-Worth + Net Worth.
Discovering your values to define your Boundaries, Worthiness Wounds affecting your income and relationships, raising your Deserve-Level, why you feel conflicted, and redirecting time/money/energy.
Plus, the Values quiz {$200 value}.
Change Your Mind + Speak Your Truth.
Integrity of Thoughts/Words/Deeds, dealing with denial/blame/excuses, ‘hearing’ the universe and others, why you feel worried, and learning to speak up for yourself.
Plus, the What Else Could Be True exercise {$200 value}.
Emotional Self-Care.
How to get unstuck from a person/place/pattern, staying centered amid conflicting priorities, why you feel sad, and Emotional Self-Care.
Plus, the Family Of Origin exercise {$200 value}.
Opening doors of opportunity, Intention Setting, Intentions vs. Expectations vs. Wishes, Law Of Attraction, hidden agendas, why you feel resentful or powerless.
Plus, the Guardian Angel exercise & Intention Prayer {$400 value}.
Trusting Your Intuition + Resisting Self-Sabotage.
Interpreting synchronicities and cosmic signs, why you feel confused, what you need to let go of, and best spiritual practices for your energy pattern.
Plus, guided Meditations {$200 value}.
Pleasure Principles Preventing Burnout.
Activities to feed your inner flame, the risk of prioritizing practicality over pleasure, why you feel stagnant or burned out, and the counterintuitive logic of fun.
Plus, The Play Assignment {$200 value}.
Taking Charge + Getting Recognition.
Career options, leadership qualities, failure fears, how to ‘boss up’, why you feel afraid, and cultivating personal authority.
Plus, Best-Worst risk assessment {$200 value}.
Wild Card
Your Topic Of Choice.
Ask me anything! Your chance to dive deeper into any of the topics we’ve covered— or haven’t. .
Plus, a Custom Assignment just for you {$200 value}.
Meaningful Connections.
Who you attract + why, relationship patterns, Romantic Karma, why you feel lonely, and identifying your ideal beloved.
Plus, the Love Story exercise {$200 value}.
Expanding Your Influence.
Building your community, social influence, potential for highest achievements, why you feel uninspired, and where destiny is calling you next.
Plus, the Friendship matrix {$200 value}.
Bold Moves
Life Master Plan.
Visioning your Life Master Plan, Program Summary, and where we go from here. .
Plus, your Graduation Gift {I spend generously!}.
Plus, each session includes additional readings, videos, & podcasts from experts in Science, Spirituality, Psychology, and Leadership: Dr. John Demartini, world’s #1 human behavioralist, Dr. Wayne Dyer- world renown spiritual teacher, Esther Perel- relationship coach, Gary Zukav- American Book Award In Science, and more… {over $1,000+ value}

When You Feel ‘Fine’, But Hungry For More…
You’re Ready To Step Into Conscious Alignment.
Shifting your life from Arbitrary to Intentional is the difference between ‘Fine’ and Fulfilled.
Say ‘yes’ to the part of yourself that is ready to rise into Supreme Self-Knowing.
Welcome to your guidebook of Awareness, Power, and Choice.
Your Future…
You’ve arrived where you’ve always belonged.
You finally know your Life Purpose and shift into Arenas Of Influence where you shine.
Fulfillment and Success flow.
You’re connected to your Mission and have healed with Worthiness Wounds holding you back from the achievements you deserve.
Time, Money, & Effort are cohesive.
You're spending on the right things in alignment with your Values.
You notice Divine Guidance pointing towards your next steps.
Synchronicities become easy to spot and you Trust Your Intuition on what to do next.
Doors Of Opportunity open easily.
You Attract Meaningful Relationships + Opportunities and hold Healthy Boundaries with magnetic Personal Authority.
Your Higher Self takes charge.
You know how to avoid self-sabotage, seize the Risks Worth Taking, and let your Higher Self lead you into bigger spaces you’re ready to occupy.
You become a person who’s got that “special something” of Supreme Self-Knowing possessed by truly powerful people.
Signs You’re Stuck
Busy But Unfulfilled
You’re busy and ‘successful’, but unsatisfied.
Fulfillment is found through Intentionality- when life’s activities have a cohesive Purpose guided by Values and protected by Boundaries.
Looping Patterns + Delays
You avoid taking risks, so life circles in loops without ever making much progress.
Limiting Beliefs, once alchemized, become forces of forward action instead of keeping your life looking repetitive, safe, and familiar.
Rejecting Receiving
You push away the things you really want.
Learn to get out of your own way by healing Worthiness Wounds, quitting cover stories, and training your intuition.
Blind Spots Eclipse Potential
You want a better life, but are unequipped to see your blind spots + potential.
A shift to self-awareness and intentionality is required to step beyond familiarity into potentiality. Become self-directed in your Attitudes, Behaviors, and Choices.
1:1 virtual coaching including Coaching Session + Interdisciplinary Readings + Homework Assignments
12x sessions total, 60-90 minutes each
Bi-weekly for 6 months or monthly for 1 year
This program is a high-level, intellectually curated container customized to you as an individual.
It’s a done-for-you service that is exclusive to your geocosmic pattern—not a cut-and-paste service that is copied for everyone.
This program includes a matched time investment of my prep time 60-90 minutes prior to your sessions (from mathematical calculations, meditative channeling, and notes packets); hours of research into Evolutionary Astrology, Quantum Physics, Cosmology, and Shamanism; my Business Degree in Economics + Finance; and- most importantly- 13 years experience in Executive Leadership Coaching that you can’t buy anywhere else.
What You Don’t Know
Friendly Reminder From Your Guardian Angel
Investing in yourself can feel stretchy—but that’s the point. If you wanted to stay where you are, you wouldn’t be seeking coaching. Also, give yourself permission to let go of the fantasy that you have to figure it all out on your own. You can’t! No one can be an expert in everything. My job as the expert is to study, research, practice, and present this information so it’s easy for You to apply.
Hi, I’m Maurielle
— The Cosmic Coach.
After graduating with an International Business Degree in Economics + Finance and working in the traditional Executive Leadership Coaching industry, I studied the field of Energetics: how the invisible influences of the universe affects us. Cosmology, Quantum Physics, Intuitive Science, and Shamanism provided information of shocking accuracy that conventional self-help techniques alone could not.
I’ve guided the careers of over 947+ professionals using my special Cosmic Coaching Method. My programs have been hosted by corporate teams, individual professionals, and trendy venues such as the Houston Business Club, Natura Wellness Resort, and Hotel Ylem. In 2018 I was nominated as one of the Top 20 Small Business Entrepreneurs in Houston, in 2019 & 2023 named a Trailblazer In Business by Voyage Houston Magazine, in 2020 interviewed on Fox 26 News, and in 2023 featured on the entrepreneur podcast Goddess Status as a top female business owner.
My unique ability to interpret the energy patterns that run your life based on your birth data in combination with cutting-edge insights in Executive Leadership Coaching, Cosmology, Quantum Physics, & Behavioral Psychology is impossible to find anywhere else.
Limitations To Release
Let go of the fantasy that you’re going to figure yourself out by yourself.
Let go of the fantasy that you’re going to read all the free books and watch all the free online videos to solve your problems expediently and expertly.
Let go of the fantasy that you’re going to independently hold yourself accountable for research, growth, and transformation… in addition to everything else on your to-do list.
Let go of the fantasy that you’ll be able to independently spot self-sabotage when it’s happening and have the singular strength to prevent getting in your own way.
Notice where “feel good” spends fall short: injections, tanning, nails, cars, clothes. Those spends feel good in the moment, but may be leaving you unfulfilled when what you’re truly hungry for is a deeper knowing and loving of yourself. You might be overspending on fixing the outside without fixing the inside.
Hesitation to invest in self-improvement can also be the fear of your Small Self letting go of the control it has held in your life for so long. Hesitation can be the unfamiliarity of what it will feel like to let your Higher Self lead.
What’s Not Working In Your Life
Continuing a life that is Arbitrary instead of Intentional: this creates looping patterns of wasted time, money, & attention.
Continuing to settle for the tragedy of ‘Fine’: you are successful by society’s standards yet unfulfilled and constantly wondering if you’re meant for more without giving yourself permission to find out what that ‘more’ is.
Continuing to do it all by yourself: DIY is what you’ve already been doing and that’s what has led you to the feelings that brought you to my doorstep. The next step is walking through the door together, leaving behind the familiar and stepping into the realm of the possible.

10+ years of Executive Leadership Coaching, Cosmology, Quantum Physics, and Behavioral Psychology in a guided done-for-you transformational experience.
Discover the You you were born to be.