MARCH 2020 Horoscope
Pisces season falls between February-March, months in nature when springtime rains wash away dead entities from winter and nourish cleansed terrain for new growth. In your own life, it’s time to release, cleanse and heal things from past experiences which hurt or no longer serve. Pay attention to signs within your environment that signal a need for mending, using empathy and compassion to make peace—wherever you let go is where you will begin. During Pisces season, use your perception, emotionality and imagination to transform dead energy into healing power.
This month, the springtime Mercury Retrograde review cycle through the zodiac sign of Pisces from 2/16-3/9 helps us all identify which area of our lives are poised for peacemaking, or where addictive behavior patterns might be disguising a subconscious fear. During the three week Retrograde review cycle we are revising, rebalancing and reinvigorating in those areas. Mercury Retrograde ends on 3/9 coupled with a Full Moon in the healthy zodiac sign of Virgo so at that point we should wrap up loose ends, make decisions and begin taking action that makes our circumstances feel healthier. We are feeling more independent, enthusiastic and assertive around 3/21-3/24 when responsible Saturn takes a breather in freedom-loving Aquarius alongside a New Moon in self-reliant Aries.
Read on to discover your opportunities for March:
Good horoscope: Read for your traditional zodiac Sun sign (based on your birth date).
Better horoscope: Read for your Rising sign (based on your birth time with your birth date).
Outstanding horoscope: Read with a professional astrologer such as myself (based on your birth date, birth time, and birth location alongside present/past/future planetary measurements).
Retreat from the outside world for needed quiet time to reflect and organize plans behind the scenes. Do you give yourself permission to rest, or do you always feel compelled to take action? What is the worst thing that could happen if you stepped away for a while? What is the best thing that could happen if your stepped away for a while? Recognize that retreat provides perspective, and it is perspective that creates informed action.
Take a break from over-socializing so you can create real connections with the right people. Is your social schedule starting to feel like a second job? Which involvements drain you? Which involvements fulfill you? Remember that you are not responsible for making other people feel happy, attended to, attractive, interesting or functional. They’re adults, and so are you. Be your own best company.
Break the blind habit of over-achieving so there can be space for clarity around what goals are most connected to your greater purpose. Your career needs direction. Does your current industry or business model feel aligned with your spiritual calling? Are you promoting the most valuable part of yourself or your work? Maybe even you need time off from career. Come back to your mission statement and learn to succeed at the right things.
Re-think your promotional strategies by revisiting a topic you thought you already knew about. Instead of thinking “I already know this”, think “What could I learn about this”; instead of thinking “I’ve already explained this before”, think “How could I say it differently now”. Study something new, or study something old with a new set of glasses; knowledge is really a matter of perspective. It is possible too that your travel schedule needs to par back if you have been on the go too much lately.
Make sure you are invested in the right people and situations. Does trust with someone need repairing? The balance of time, energy and resources you share with others is a delicate investment. Be smart, but not skeptical. Give others the genuine opportunity to earn your trust, and make your moves based on the level of effort they presented. Also, reflect on your own relationship to power or finances. See yourself in a new light and break open the old ceiling.
Manifest partnerships that feel healthy and energizing. If you’re currently involved, assess your modes of relating. Is this the right person for you, how could your interactions improve, are you being the best partner? Also, it could be time to mend a damaged relationship. If you’re single, don’t relive old relationship patterns or keep dating the same person again. How would you like to feel loved in the future? Open yourself to loving connections.
Your body needs a new routine, so focus on wellness practices such as rest, exercise, or becoming more intentional about food. Especially if work has been demanding lately, your body is bearing the brunt of your stress. Are you working too much, or bringing home stressors from the workplace? Are you becoming bored with your workout regimen and no longer getting results or avoiding the workout altogether? Could what you are eating actually be making you tired or ill? Let your body speak.
Open your heart to feeling fertile through practices of creativity, romance, and joy. Feeling disconnected from fun? All work and no play? You have the opportunity to release creative blockage. If you have children, it may be that they require greater attention this month or that quality time with them could show you how to connect with your inner child.
Revive your roots by fixing up the house, moving, spending time with loved ones or spending quality alone time at home. Do you need to build bridges and reconnect with family members? Or could your home nest use some updating? Solidifying your foundations will make you feel secure as you go out into the world.
Spark important conversations, especially related to an old dilemma or unfinished project. Is there someone you’ve been avoiding talking to? Or a task you have been procrastinating on? Fear and avoidance are only creating dead energy. You’ll feel more momentum once you take initiative to address the issue or complete the task, discovering along the way that it wasn’t so scary after all.
Gain financial control by defining your priority investments and saying no to any expenditures of time or money that aren’t related. Scale your talents, charge what you’re worth, invest in your dreams. Do you view money as a tool or as an end goal? Remember your inner worth is not defined by a number in the bank, but numbers in the bank sure can help direct energy toward worthy attainments.
Create greater clarity or definition around your self-identity. How would you like to represent yourself to the world? What is it you want people to see about you? Shed the layers that previously held you back or that you’ve used to disguise your true self. It’s time for a rebirth to shine in all your glory. This may also literally involve updating your appearance or location; put yourself in the right setting and look the part.
Ready to reveal the secrets of your stars?
This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for each zodiac sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.