America is full swing amid the infamous Pluto Return cycle- the same cosmic cycle that heralded the Fall Of Rome.
Pluto- the cosmic undertaker- symbolizes Power, Crime, Secrets, Death, and Rebirth. This planet of annihilation and regeneration comes full circle every 250 years. Rome, the great republic before America, fell into severe political decline during it’s first Pluto Return in 218 AD and completely collapsed around it’s second Pluto Return in 476 AD.
Will America fall like Rome?
While the Pluto Return cycle dictates the proverbial ‘death’ of our nation, what dies is up to us. It could mean the death of outdated patriarchal, materialist, mostly white supremacy in our country. It could mean we choose to be reborn with more inclusive political, economic, and social systems that are updated to represent our current constituents and return power from the federal bureaucrats back into the hands of the people. Or it could mean death by division. There’s always the option that we could fall apart into a Second Civil War that ends the ‘united’ states of America with the secession of smaller regional state groupings.
Certainly, the Pluto Return marks the end of America as the leading world power.
The Pluto Return occurs in the USA’s value center, indicating our core inner values are being shaken from their original foundations and that our store of value- the US Dollar- is headed to its grave.
Billionaire economist Ray Dalio, owner of the world’s most profitable hedge fund, seems to agree with these astrological indicators. Dalio cites in his recent book about the rise and falls of empires- The Changing World Order- that America is on it’s way out along with our currency.
How can we pivot from Pluto’s peril?
From an inner values perspective:
What founding freedoms and ideals does our country need to return to?
What outdated modes of operation corrupt our nation’s original intentions?
From an external value perspective:
How can we stabilize the economy, bring back American jobs from abroad, and restore confidence in the dollar?
How can we embrace other forms of money such as digital currency or international currency?
Pluto’s transformation is most intense from 2022-23, possibly indicating the change of power in 2023 before President Biden’s term is complete or the change of a major world power where one regime gives way to a new more dominant player.
President Biden’s delicate mental health is the subject of much social media humor (who hasn’t giggled at the “Crashing America Together” memes, bike memes, “What?!” t-shirts, and gaffe videos), but all joking aside could be a real threat to the completion of his presidential term should he have a mental breakdown during the 2023 Pluto power transition.
Other options driving the potential change of power in 2023 could be if the president were impeached (Biden has the lowest presidential popularity rating in history), died from Covid, or was assassinated.
Statistically speaking, assassination attempts on US presidents is frighteningly common. According to political researcher Stephen Marche, author of The Next Civil War, presidents have a 1-in-11 chance of being assassinated and 17 presidents have survived assassination attempts.
Also rocking our money malaise is the Neptune opposition similar to the 1929 stock market crash that heralded The Great Depression. History is repeating itself with rising inflation, unemployment, and diminishing dollar confidence. Both Pluto and Neptune have been in history-making positions since 2020, as evidenced by the pandemic and financial crisis. Neptune- symbolizing Sickness & Healing, Deceptions, Dreams, Spirituality, and Redemption- challenges physical Mars in the USA chart. This signals ill health, such as remnants of the Covid-19 plandemic and spotlighting the ineffectiveness of the current healthcare system (insurance and pharmaceutical companies). Favorably, Neptune’s position could also signal the rise of alternative healing and plant medicine in our country.
2022 brings two more important cosmic cycles to America:
The Information Cycle strikes at our country’s birthright characteristic of intellectual liberty through First Amendment tests around freedom of speech (ex: federal ‘fact checkers’ hired to censor the public internet since 2020 and recent attempts to found the US Disinformation Committee) and the spiritual challenge of determining truth. The Domestic Cycle questions the definition of ‘home base’ and who belongs through Fourth Amendment rulings around search-and-seizure, Border Patrol dilemmas (ex: Supreme Court’s Egbert v. Boule ruling providing carte blanche immunity for Border Patrol and US Immigration & Customs agents surrounding civilian search-and-seizure), and the Second Amendment right to protect oneself, home, and family (as President Biden precariously stated “no amendment is absolute” regarding firearm rights for the people, meanwhile stockpiling 9-mm ammunition for government agencies- even as bizarre as spending $11M on ammunition for the Internal Revenue Service and Railroad Commission.)
Practical issues and opportunities: (mis)information, data, communication, documentation, agreements, negotiations, travel, schools, logistics, and grassroots/local neighborhood activism.
Symbolic issues and opportunities: the spiritual challenge of learning to use our voice responsibly, speaking up, determining truth, defending our beliefs, protecting our right to know, and word karma.
Practical issues and opportunities: agriculture, food, real estate, homeless, borders, citizenship, immigration/migration, heritage peoples, family units, mothers, parents/grandparents and aging population.
Symbolic issues and opportunities: the spiritual challenge of staying connected to our foundational origins, the right to feel safe, and the definition of patriotism.
Within the bigger story of this year’s Information Cycle and Domestic Cycle will be four subplots: three seasonal Mercury Retrogrades, a hangover Venus Retrograde from 2021, and bi-annual Mars Retrograde that sends us rumbling into next year.
America’s 2022 retrograde reviews examine:
Truth, Efficiency, Leadership, Frenemies, and 2020 Karma.
I. MONEY + INNER VALUES | INFORMATION + TRUTH (December 2021-February 2022)
a. Finding out who was paying who (Fauci and NIH National Institute Of Health funding coronavirus research in Wuhan China prior to the outbreak, vaccine payoffs by government and insurance agencies, etc); financial trouble with US Dollar valuation, US potentially reaching its debt ceiling, stock market decline, digital currency dilemma; revelations behind the 2020 pandemic and presidential election that come back to bite us in the ass; Trump returning to cultural and media prominence; asking ourselves “What do we really value?”
b. Question of accurate data surrounding virus and election; information censorship and challenges to free speech; travel limitations and localized laws; negotiating contracts with suppliers and outside organizations, supply chain logistics delay; changes in schooling system.
*The beginning of 2022 was tough due to a double retrograde between Venus and Mercury until about March.
a. Unemployment issues (including repercussions of government subsidized stimulus checks which have inadvertently unincentivized civilians to return to their jobs post-pandemic); employment requirements and labor law battles (such as vaccination status, etc.); mild upsurge of the virus or it’s variants (such as Monkeypox) which temporarily revives caution; other health mandates (such as the Supreme Court ruling on abortion in the overturn of Roe v. Wade); increasing rents; reorganization of internal government staff; ecological challenges which require collective response; Biden selling 1 mIllion barrels of US strategic gas reserves to Chinese petroleum giant Unipec.
a. President Biden and/or his administration may incur a fall from grace; citizens debate who should be in charge; other world leaders may publicly denounce American leadership; prestige and public image issues; resignations, impeachments, and firings of top corporate and government officials.
IV. PARTNERSHIPS + FRENEMIES (October 2022-January 2023)
a. Growing troubles with other nations like Russia and China, declaring frenemies; personal freedom debates, me versus we, individual autonomy discussions around what the government should/shouldn’t be able to do to the individual person; new laws about individual rights/personal boundaries; landmark court cases.
October 2022-March 2023 may bring worldwide food + supply shortages, war drums, civil disruption, dropping dollar, and the next virus variation.
b. It’s notable that threatening aspects to the USA’s partnership sector from 2022-23 indicate the garnering of open enemies. Murmurings of a Second Civil War may escalate in in 2026 when Uranus- the revolutionary- transitions into the constellation of Gemini for the subsequent 6-7 years putting it in the same position as the original American Civil War. If we’re not careful, our greatest enemy could be ourselves.
A rare 166-year alignment between hopeful Jupiter + visionary Neptune occurred in April 2022, coinciding with the first Supreme Court election of an African American woman, Ketanji Brown, and also the end of airplane mask mandates. A reminder that not all hope is lost for future progress.
Washington DC
Uranus, the wizard, shakes up our capitol city’s identity center, the Sun, from 2021-23. Washington DC may experience high turnover during the Biden Administration.
Positively used, the presence of Uranus can bring innovation, progress, liberalism, and forward-thinking. Perhaps that is what voters thought when they initially elected the Biden Administration to The White House. Negatively used, the presence of Uranus signals revolution, disruption, and unpredictability. This appears to be the outcome thus far of the first year of the Biden Administration.
Uranus is also a symbol of science, technology, internet, electricity, outer space, and freedom. Interesting to observe how those themes have intertwined during this presidency.
Pluto, god of the underworld, challenges messenger Mercury in our capitol city. Lies, and information resurrected about those lies, are sure to be exposed this year. The scandals of our government leaders and corporate elites may be revealed through whistle-blowers and tell-all publications. Keep an eye out for mysterious deaths of truth-speakers as corrupters may be willing to kill to keep a secret. Washington DC may be a lethal place, but the truthful information will get out- secrets won’t stay dead under this planetary transit.
“In sickness and in health” may be the famous last words of this presidency.
Wellness issues at The White House or with President Biden himself could be ongoing while Neptune presses on physical Mars. (The USA chart also has a difficult Neptune-Mars aspect from 2020-26.) President Biden or his administration could be dealing with continuous effects of Covid-19 or other illnesses that effect the physical vitality- or even physical lasting power- of those currently in office. Coincidentally, Neptune-Mars is a sign of healing which is the great cry of our country right now both literally and spiritually.
Saturn-Venus portends the responsibility- and judgement- of women in the White House: likely Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Vice President Kamala Harris, and First Lady Jill Biden.
First Lady Jill Biden has remained mostly out of the press but may me more responsible than we know for tending to her ailing husband behind the scenes. The First Lady has been observed on numerous occasions giving her husband instructions when he is forgetful during public appearances. Should the President’s mental health continue deteriorating, the First Lady’s role may shift into being the primary caregiver for her family when she does her Jupiter Return in the domestic center of her chart between 2022-23.
VP Kamala Harris would be next in line should anything happen to the President (and VP Harris’ chart does show a potential rise to prominence in 2023-24), however many recent interviews have sent mixed signals about her stance on key issues leaving voters unclear on her ability to lead decisively. VP Harris is undergoing her cosmic Saturn Return which is a celestial maturity mark that arises approximately every 27-29 years to test our strength, responsibility, and adultness. This Saturn Return might be a make-or-break year. Let’s hope she “grows into” her leadership position- which may be possible, and necessary, looking ahead at her 2023-24 planetary transits.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has become a fountain of ridicule for her flip-flopping press statements. Press Secretary Psaki is doing her cosmic ‘mid-life crisis’ as revolutionary Uranus in the sky opposes inborn Uranus in her chart, turning her world upside down. Additionally, Neptune is challenging her emotional Moon and physical Mars. Will she have a breakdown? It is unlikely Psaki will remain press secretary for the full duration of the administration.
Saturn-Venus also puts a pinch on pocketbooks, indicating that wallets may not do well under the current Washington rule. Record-breaking inflation rates have proved this to be true thus far.
The eighteen-month eclipse series from November 2021-October 2023 may significantly alter the future of Washington DC.
Will we still have the same administration by the end of 2023?
CHINA: The Dragon
In 2021, China had its year in the universal spotlight as 2021 marked the country’s cosmic Manifestation Cycle. China came to the forefront of the world stage last year as the world reopened post-pandemic. The global Dragon gained prominence and expanded its national identity, undergoing a series of rapid new beginnings. Billionaire economist Ray Dalio agrees in his new book about the rise and fall of financial empires, The Changing World Order- that China is the new superpower. Symbolically, this raises the consideration of what exactly is being brought into being. “Who Am I Now?” is the question of identity China must answer for itself. through self-definition and responsible growth.
2022 brings China’s Prosperity Cycle + Information Cycle.
The Prosperity Cycle highlights China’s increasing wealth and currency value and could also indicate new rules about money (in June 2022 citizens’ bank accounts were linked to their public health records and those with Covid-positive status were declined cash withdrawals which sets a scary precedent for other governments to do the same).
The spiritual challenge of the Prosperity Cycle surrounds China’s inner values: what’s the cost of being rich? The country’s notorious environmental and human rights violations in the name of profit raise alarm (sweat shops, child labor, organ selling, pollution, and more).
The Information Cycle points at China’s technological advancements in cyber space and increasing importance of international trade agreements with the profitable Dragon. The internet and communication technology will continue to be dominated by the Chinese, and since they are the world’s largest producer of consumer products China’s supply chain decisions will reveal our weak and codependent global logistics network. As China fences in their own workforce- erecting cement barriers in neighborhoods designated as ‘Covid sensitive’ by the government- we will feel a worldwide supply shortage intensifying from October 2022-January 2023 (but really March 2023) during the troublesome Mars Retrograde.
The spiritual challenge of the Information Cycle surrounds truth: what is the real information? China’s dalliances in cyber espionage, media censorship, detaining/torturing/killing dissenters, and lying about Covid numbers may only worsen if the Dragon is lacking moral intervention or global pressure.
It should be noted that the country’s caustic natal Mars-Pluto in the Relationship Sector means China is comfortable giving the middle-finger to partnership- unless it can control the partnership, or the partnership is financially beneficial. China isn’t likely to feel bad about becoming the big dog on the block who dominates others and won’t feel inclined to act as a team player in the global community (unless the deal suits them). Moreover, China’s natal Sun-Mercury Retrograde-Neptune alignment in the Global Sector challenges Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and individuality, meaning the country is prone to inconsistent international relations and has a ‘zero f*&$s given’ attitude toward foreign policy. The same planetary alignment in the Global Sector is also what inclines the nation towards global expansion, strong religious doctrine, ideological fanaticism- as well as intellectual prowess. Perhaps there is some truth in the adage that Chinese students are always smarter.
The four retrograde review periods for China during 2022 examine its world Role + Responsibility as well as Secrets + Endings (Jan-Feb) (for example secrets were exposed about China and the US’ involvement behind-the-scenes with the virus such as “Event 201”.), Families + Next Generation (May-June) (for example the government locking people in their homes preventing employment and education) , Foreign Relations + Mutual Assets (Sept-Oct) (perhaps there will be pressure worldwide trade/logistics arrangements, new international policies for dealing with other countries, or a major international legal violation), and Next Generation + Entrepreneurship (Oct-Jan) (perhaps there will be a youth uprising or stressors on innovation and creation).
China could ascend the throne of world supremacy in 2023 when Pluto, the power planet, knocks at the nation’s front door.
Times of prominence for China in the relative near future include 2021, 2023, and 2026-28.
RUSSIA: The Bear
Both Russia and Ukraine seemed to be locked in karmic ties as they are freshly at war with each other and are both still processing their first Saturn Return- or maturity mark- which is a cosmic rite of passage that began last year. Basically, the universe is seeing how Russia and Ukraine have “grown up” since their revolutions approximately 30 years ago. This a critical time stamp in the chronology of the countries’ development as they both become adult in the eyes of the cosmos.
2022 brings Russia’s Partnership Cycle + Empowerment Cycle.
The Partnership Cycle highlights Russia’s alliances, frenemies, and boundaries. Russian leader Putin stated in his June 2022 speech regarding his decision to go to war with Ukraine and distance his nation from US relations:
“The era of the unipolar Western world is over.”
Putin elaborated that “When they won the Cold War, the US declared themselves God’s own representatives on earth, people who have no responsibilities — only interests. They have declared those interests sacred. They seemingly have not noticed that new powerful centers have arisen and are getting louder and louder. Each of them develops its own political systems and social institutions, realizes its own models of economic growth, and, of course, has a right to its defense, to guarantee its national sovereignty.”
Putin reiterated his position that the Kremlin was ‘forced’ to initiate the invasion of Ukraine by the West’s refusal to address Russia’s legitimate security concerns. “The West has fundamentally refused to fulfill its earlier obligations,” Putin said. “It is simply impossible to reach any new agreements with them. In the current situation, in the face of growing threats and risks for us, Russia’s decision to conduct the special military operation was forced. Unquestionably difficult, but forced and necessary.”
“Our colleagues do not simply deny reality, they are trying to resist the course of history. They think in terms of the last century. They are in captivity of their own delusions about countries outside of the so-called golden billion, they see everything else as the periphery, their backyard, they treat these places as their colonies, and they treat the peoples living there as second-class citizens, because they consider themselves to be exceptional. If they are exceptional, it means everyone else is of a second sort” Putin said of Western elites who generate their wealth through the systemic exploitation and domination of the non-Western world.
The spiritual challenge of the Partnership Cycle for Russia surrounds justice: what is fair? Deliberations around ethics and legalities could create tensions while Russia abandons some agreements and shakes hands with others. As Putin continues separating from the West and carrying on his war with Ukraine, he may look for new allies- specifically anti-American allies- readily entering a relationship-of-convenience that might otherwise seem misaligned.
The old adage could be true for Russia:
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The Empowerment Cycle expands Russia’s desire for power and wealth, so they could strongarm mutually held assets or geopolitical resources in an effort to gain sway in the global marketplace.
The four retrograde review periods for Russia during 2022 examine its Next Generation + Specialization (Jan-Feb) (for example this is when Putin declared “the end of the unipolar Western world”, invaded Ukraine sparking a new chapter for the country, and also many wondered about the health of their aging leader), Government + Legalities (May-June) (for example the debates between NATO and Russia regarding the geopolitical consequences of the Ukraine invasion and the US President Biden’s restrictions on Russian gold and oil), Role + Finances (Sept-Oct) (experts predict Russia’s GDP to contract up to 15% this year due to the Ukraine war and inflation has already risen above that 15% mark, meanwhile major supply chain disruptions have stressed both military and civilians, so perhaps an economic crisis will slow down Russia’s war roll), and Leadership + Reputation (Oct ‘22-Jan’23, Mar ‘23) (perhaps Putin will suffer a health issue that interferes with executing his national plan or perhaps Putin makes an even bolder breakaway move to separate the East from the West).
Destiny Dates 2022
7/1-4: Mars-Pluto is caustic and divisive, nobody is happy about celebrating America’s birthday.
7/13-17 Capricorn Full Moon and Sun, Mercury, Venus in Cancer could erect Jan 6th capitol riot revelations and Trump stuff.
7/19-12/23 Chiron Retrograde wounded warrior reveals unexpressed anger and the need for greater self-advocacy.
7/28-11/23 Jupiter Retrograde starts to downsize our economy and global shortages emerge.
8/1-8 (8/11): Mars-Uranus-Saturn could be dangerous; an incident of global violence or stunning decision within the US; shockers.
8/24-Jan ‘22: Uranus Retrograde waterfalls agricultural challenges + food shortages (which will accelerate at the fall Mars Retrograde), the crashing US dollar + rising inflation, digital currency vs. fiat currency dilemmas, and questions about what freedom means.
9/10-10/2: Mercury Retrograde challenges America’s leadership and reputation. President Biden and/or his administration may incur a fall from grace; citizens debate who should be in charge; other world leaders may publicly denounce American leadership; prestige and public image issues; resignations, impeachments, and firings of top corporate and government officials.
9/22-25: Fall Equinox at the Mercury Retrograde midpoint could signal a major announcement or event.
10/2: Mercury Retrograde ends, but don’t get too excited- a difficult Mars Retrograde is on the horizon.
10/8: Pluto Direct plows towards power change in Spring 2023 as America completes its final throws of the infamous Pluto Return.
10/22-31: Halloween season looks scary with Saturn Direct, Scorpio Solar Eclipse, Jupiter Retrograde into Pisces, and Mars Retrograde. Be sure to pick out your apocalypse costume. Could be big news about Bill Gates, Putin, or Biden.
10/31-1/12 (March 2022): Mars Retrograde reviews partnerships + frenemies. Growing troubles with other nations like Russia and China, declaring frenemies; personal freedom debates, me versus we, individual autonomy discussions around what the government should/shouldn’t be able to do to the individual person; new laws about individual rights/personal boundaries; landmark court cases; global supply chain shortages and a worsening dollar value.
11/5-8: Taurus Solar Eclipse met by challenging Uranus-Saturn-Venus exacerbates food shortages and currency concerns. Could be big news about Bill Gates, Putin, or Biden.
11/23: Jupiter Direct uplifts mild hope during Thanksgiving, allowing us to pretend the sky isn’t falling for a moment.
11/30: Venus-Mars could prompt an inspiring speech from leaders as a public relations effort.
12/3: Neptune Direct sees through the bullshit veil into Summer 2023, we are wanting more accountability and answers.
12/7: Full Moon meets Sun-Mars prompting global powers to flex their muscles in shows of strength. Who is the winner?
12/20-23: Winter Solstice could signal a major announcement or event (in the past two years the US government has announced the vaccine discovery and vaccine pill on these same exact dates).
12/29-1/19: Mercury Retrograde shakes the stock market and deepens dollar devaluation; feels like 2020 karma. A tight New Year’s.
Longterm Predictions 2020-26
2020 marked the end of civilization as we know it and put the planet on lockdown, sparking a crisis of consciousness. 2021 signals the slow reopening of civilization, with the gritty transition between The Establishment vs. The New World Order or Old School vs. New School; we are trying to decide what the new normal will be but are still unsticking from 2020 issues. 2022-23 brings the further opening of the door to the next world chapter with discomfort that divides people into opposing factions and also preludes some global ecological issues that we will soon have to collectively deal with in spite of our differing social attitudes. 2024 may be the next important year that goes down in history as it will be the next US presidential election (perhaps with an unexpected plot twist late 2023 such as an assassination, untimely death, or emergence of a unified global leadership) and is the final year of the old school Establishment; it could prelude troubled waters for American civil stability, the British royal monarchy, and the dissolution of the EU. 2025-26 bring similar planetary alignments to that of the American Revolution and Civil War, and could potentially signal war with the East; social regime change.
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
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