AUGUST 2022 Horoscope
Dislodge + Disrupt.
August is about allowing interruption, rather than resisting it. The upcoming fall season is going to be rife with unexpected changes, delays, and somewhat uncomfortable yet necessary course corrections. August is the set-up month. Avoiding the inevitable is what makes change uncomfortable, so focus instead on flow and surfing the waves of impending transformation- that way you’ll come out on top.
To understand August’s role at the close of summer, we have to first understand what is coming during the fall season- this helps us place August as an important timestamp at the beginning of a larger series of events. During the second half of the year, we will experience a tough triple retrograde- two seasonal Mercury Retrogrades and one bi-annual Mars Retrograde- collectively running from September 2022 to January 2023 (but really March 2023) in an overlapping series that never gives us a break in their intensity. August is the month before the overlapping triple retrograde series, so it sets us up for the people, situations, and themes that are ultimately going to get evaluated.
August is about shaking up static energy or false security in our lives.
Something unexpected may rock your world or create the perfect opening to make a radical change depending on how you look at it. You may wrestle with feeling torn between accepting the change and feeling liberated to make a wild move versus trying to cling to a familiar safety zone and do what has traditionally been expected of you. As you respond to the element of surprise, here’s some questions to consider in August:
Where are things stuck? How can tension and frustration inform you about what you’re ready to let go of?
Where do you need a radical wakeup call? Where could healthy unpredictability, surprise, or change do some good?
How could an unusual or shocking proposition open you to previously unconsidered pathways?
In what ways are you being your own jailer? How can you be your own liberator?
With these big picture patterns in mind, let’s look at the day-by-day breakdown of our planetary playbook to see when and how it’s all going to unfold…
Mars-Uranus ushers shock, surprise, or disruption. Prepare to be shaken and stirred. Change is our destiny and interruption is en route this month, which can feel exhilarating or unsetting depending on how comfortable you are with unpredictability.
This marks the first of several disruptions (or breakout moves) that will radically shift your course in August, followed again around 8/7, 8/11, and 8/24.
Remember that August sets up the proverbial Jenga pieces that will cascade in the fall season, so pay attention to the people or opportunities that come into focus now.
How can tension and frustration inform you about what you’re ready to let go of?
How could an unusual or shocking proposition open you to previously unconsidered pathways?
Be careful because this transit can be prone to accidents, violence, and outbursts in the world.
Aquarius Full Moon checks in on progress around feelings of freedom, individuality, and authenticity. Meanwhile, Sun-Uranus is visionary or disruptive- either way it takes you out of your box.
Where are you ready for breakout moves?
Perhaps it’s time to consider where you’ve been playing too small, or where you’ve allowed limited thinking to limit your choices in an imaginarily trapped situation? August energy wants us to ‘bust out’, so what does that look like for you? A bit of healthy rule-breaking (most likely just your own self-imposed rules) could be exactly the jolt that is needed.
Be your own liberator, not your own prison guard.
Remember that things tend to peak around full moons so it can be an excellent time for meetings, decisions, announcements, or events.
8/20-March 2023 GRIT.
Mars enters Gemini where it will remain until March 2023 as it endures a bi-annual retrograde. The official retrograde period will kick off around Halloween but pay attention in Aug-Sept as the planet gets into position. Personally, the Mars Retrograde will bring up repressed anger + frustration to be aired as well as cause delayed action.
Where have you been ‘keeping the lid on it’?
People and situations that have caused enduring tension will reach a natural head during the fall, but the signs start showing in August. Taking action to break away or launch something on your own may happen slower than desired, like a slow uncomfortable gritty grind.
Nationally, the upcoming Mars Retrograde will exacerbate ‘frenemies’ of the US, increase global war tensions, slow down supply chains, and likely spell the announcement of yet another ‘variant’.
August is your month to prep with extra supplies and cash.
8/24-January 2023 RESTRICTED FREEDOM.
Uranus Retrograde shakes up static energy or false security in our lives. Where are things stuck? Where could some healthy unpredictability, surprise, or change do us some good? Personally, you will be revising the next six months around the notions of greater freedom, separation, independence, and individuality. However, it may not come easily- you may in fact be faced with limitations to your freedom that force you to fight, push, create, and take risks against the resistance. It’s like fighting your way out of your own jail cell.
Nationally, the fall will bring new restrictions on financial freedoms and personal freedoms. Watch carefully the US government attempts to pass things like the “Inflation Reduction Act” which actually arms the IRS with $80B to hire new tax auditors specifically targeting small business and the middle class, the probability of new stringency around tracking small cash transfers through personal online methods like PayPal/Venmo/Zelle/CashApp/etc., and increased dialogue creating national digital currencies which can be easily tracked and taxed by the government.
Food shortages and agricultural challenges may also exacerbate August-December which will skyrocket existing geopolitical tensions and further press the average consumer. Meanwhile, keep an eye for the ultra-wealthy who are buying up agricultural land- such as Bill Gates (and others) who is now the largest private land owner in America- just as the average consumer is on the verge of a food crisis. The wealthy will be making land grabs that give them incredible negotiating power with governments.
Mercury enters Libra for the next two months and will eventually take a retrograde during September-October. While the planet gets into position now, notice what themes are coming up regarding relationships or business partnerships, fairness, healthy boundaries, and propriety or practicality of the situation. Events around these themes will waterfall next month.
8/26-28 THE USUAL OR THE UN-USUAL? Venus wrestles between rule-following Saturn and freedom-loving Uranus, so you may feel torn between convention and innovation in a romantic relationship or financial strategy. Go with the grain, or against it? Meanwhile, the Virgo New Moon asks you to consider the practicality of whichever direction you choose— one idea may seem more appealing than the other, but can you actually pull it off? The full story may not actually unfold until next month in September, but you could be setting the stage now.
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for the country as a whole sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.