SEPTEMBER 2023 Futurecast
All hail the queen!
September 2023 brings an epic ending to the ’40 Days + 40 Nights’ spiritual testing period mentioned in both the Bible and Buddhism.
September passes final judgment on the tests of summertime where Venus—known as ‘The Goddess’ planet of Love, Money, Women, Appearances, and Happiness—took her epic underworld or Retrograde journey throughout July, August, and September. Romances, finances, and life plans underwent major detours, renovations, endings, and revivals to test the strength of your inner spirit and your trust in the divine plan.
In fact, Venus’ tests are so crucial that even famous spiritual figures like Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Buddha were subjected to the The Goddess planet’s examination to prove that they were truly ready to ascend to the next level of mastery in their lives. Of course, there’s a bit of divine comedy that it is a female planet or woman who tests men to determine if they are worthy of the power they seek—but we’ll save that humor for another time.
September 2023 finally brings the “aha moments” to the “WTH moments” you’ve been having this summer. Romances, finances, and life plans get back on track with refreshing new beginnings after somewhat painful endings and confusing delays.
“It’s the idea of being given a second chance. Venus coming out of retrograde is a restoration of ‘normal’ in your love life, in your home life, in your professional life… but the normal that it comes back to is not in the way you expect. There will have been a sobering revelation, a sacrifice, an understanding that even if you could go back and change things that you can’t, because this is the way life is meant to play out.”- Christopher Renstrom, astrologer.
Plus, there’s a new narrative around women, sex, power, and love that- while uncomfortably won over the summer- now starts to settle into the throne as ‘The Goddess’ planet Venus and ‘Holy Whore’ point Lilith leave their underworld journeys and move on to fresher skies.
Lastly, the annual Fall Equinox helps us change seasons at the end of this month so we’re being set up in advance for an outstanding October- which will easily one of the best months this year.
Read below for an overall summary of this month’s energetic themes and a link for ‘Retrograde Relief’ discounted sessions - book your discounted session before it expires at the end of September when the retrogrades do! Click the link below.
The legendary ’40 Days + 40 Nights’ testing period concludes as Venus Retrograde completes her summer-long underworld journey in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, and Happiness—you will have final answers soon on issues that first emerged in June/July. What major decision or event arrives around Labor Day Holiday? Stay tuned as one last clue or deciding event will call the curtain on 9/15.
5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself About Love:
· Are you truly available to be in a relationship? Emotionally and technically. Or are you selling a seduction?
· What are your emotional ethics in relationships?
· What is your hidden agenda in relationships?
· Is your beloved who you think they are?
· Can you give yourself permission to trust? Permission to forgive? And the freedom not to.
Are you actually available to be in a relationship- emotionally + technically- or, are you selling a seduction?
When you arrive broken into a relationship you will not only break that relationship but also break the person you’re involved with because they will cut themselves dealing with your shattered pieces. Insincere seductions always eventually create mixed signals, heartache, and negative karma. If you’re still getting over an ex, recovering from a brad breakup or harboring past pain from love, if your finances aren’t in order, if there are other people that are under the impression that they are somehow involved with you—you are not sincerely available for a relationship and you are selling a seduction.
Being truly ready for a relationship means you are emotionally clean + healed and technically available. You have nothing to hide and everything to give. You have done the work to present yourself with an open heart, good conscience, clear intention, and practical preparedness to support a partnership. When the proper standards appear, the proper partner will appear.
2. What are your emotional ethics in relationships?
Emotional ethics describes relationship responsibilities that will determine your karma in love.
Emotional ethics means owning your choices and having accountability for how you affect the lives of others.
It starts with being honest about your availability to be in relationship and, if you’re dating multiple people, the openness of your disclosure around that and what the expectations are.
It means accepting your responsibility to hear from others what role you play in their life and how you affect them, even when its uncomfortable to hear or you disagree.
Emotional ethics requires clear and consistent communication, most especially during challenging times. In fact, the time when couples should be communicating the most is sadly when they are communicating the least which often leads to unnecessary breakups.
And emotional ethics means maintaining appropriate boundaries with yourself, others, and stimuli to protect the sanctity of the relationship from being disturbed by negative external influences or wounded behavior.
3. What is your hidden agenda in relationships?
(^credit to fellow spiritual coach Natalie Burrage for this great question, she offers great relationship energy healing sessions)
A hidden agenda is story seeking fulfillment that is often subconsciously running who you pick as your partner and how the relationship dynamic will play out.
For example: If your subconscious story is that you’re a fixer, then you’re hidden agenda is that you’ll always be looking for a problematic person to fix or creating problems in the relationship to be solved. If you’re a rescuer, then you’ll always be looking for someone who is a victim that you can save or creating disasters in the relationship that require you to be the hero. If you’re an elevator, then you’ll always be looking for someone lower than you who wants to level up or you’ll always be the one stuck maintaining the standard in the relationship. If you’re an equalizer, then you’ll be looking for someone who can meet you where you are and share the risk-reward benefit in the relationship. And so on…
Examining your hidden agenda in relationships can help you change the story you are seeking to have satisfied.
4) Is your beloved who you think they are?
At the beginning of a relationship you rarely meet the real person—instead you meet their romantic representative. The part of themselves that is putting their best foot forward to attract a mate. As the relationship progresses over time, then you start to meet the real person. And any time you meet a real person, there are naturally going to be imperfections. You have to decide if you are able to love their real person as much as their romantic representative.
Are you able to accept your partner in both their highest potential as well as their lowly damaging wounds?
What part of themselves are they most consistently showing you through their behavior-- and is that something you want live with?
5) Can you give yourself permission to trust? Permission to forgive? And the freedom not to.
A deep connection always requires vulnerability. And vulnerability always requires trust. The scariest part of a relationship is the thing we want most: intimacy. We are afraid of the vulnerability and trust that intimacy necessitates.
But only when we are willing to surrender ourselves to intimacy can we attain the type of love we all fantasize about.
And there is no guarantee that it will work out. There is no insurance policy for intimacy.
Sometimes people will betray our trust and make us feel incredibly vulnerable. On a case by case basis, we have to give ourselves permission to forgive the real person we are in a relationship with who didn’t live up to their romantic representative we idealized. We have to give ourselves permission to forgive- even when it hurts- to reclaim intimacy. And sometimes we have to give ourselves permission not to forgive and take our trust elsewhere.
There’s a new narrative around women, sex, power, and love that got rescripted this summer in highly uncomfortable ways. Two goddess energies- Venus and Lilith- slipped into their dark side throughout July-Aug-Sept bringing out the worst and the best in the areas where we are most vulnerable: our bedrooms and our bank accounts.
In particular, Lilith manifested as “the dark woman” or “the other woman”.
Lilith is an astrological point from the Moon symbolic of the Wild Feminine. Lilith is the “Holy Whore.” In a man’s life, Lilith symbolizes the type of woman he is tempted by yet afraid of. In a woman’s life, Lilith symbolizes her uncivilized sexual desires and her rage against men who try to suppress her.
Mythologically, Lilith is the primal goddess—the first woman who walked the earth in the Garden Of Eden before Eve. When God made Adam as her counterpart and Adam wanted Lilith to submit to him, Lilith essentially told him to f—off and left the Garden Of Eden to do her own thing. She sounds like my kind of woman!
When reading a man’s chart, I use Lilith to assess the type of woman he will most likely cheat with and the timing of the affair. When reading a woman’s chart, I use Lilith to assess her unspoken sexual longings she has told herself are inappropriate to social standards and to assess how she will express rage and how she will get revenge on a man who has disrespected her.
Lilith is one of the two powerful goddess energies that ravaged this summer alongside her femme fatale friend, Venus.
Dark feminine energy showed up in women who were sizing up the men in their life for sexual + financial compatibility and, in many cases, kicking them out. Women are fed up with men who fall short and put the burden on the women in their lives to carry the emotional, financial, or practical load.
It also brought out the jealousy and rage in women who find their men running away from responsibility into the bedrooms of other lesser ladies, rather than doing what it takes to measure up. There were a lot of angry women this summer.
For many men, their masculine identity was challenged this summer as emotional, sexual, or financial failures made them feel like “less of a man”. Some let their bruised egos run the show by running away from their problems and into other bedrooms or work-related distractions to avoid looking at the parts of themselves which require changing. Meanwhile, other stronger men used this brief fall from their pedestal to reassess their wounds, make changes, and will climb out of the hole looking like studly steeds in late September.
For both men and women alike, the dark feminine energy could have disrupted relationships. Check back on your text messages, dating apps, photo memories, and journal entries around these dates to see if you were involved in a breakup, tempting tryst, situationship, or affair: 7/22-24, 8/7-8, 8/12-13, 8/18-20, 9/3.
PS: My best friend and fellow spiritual coach Tara Valkyrie specializes in Lilith readings if you’re curious.
Lilith departs from her side-by-side strut with Venus on Labor Day Holiday Weekend, so your romantic escapade might soon subside and everyone will be back on track looking for true love in the fall—but with the poignant lessons that the dark feminine goddesses taught us. Many will be looking to patch things up with their primary partner during the Last Two Weeks Of September and into October. There will be lots of apologies, makeup gifts, and a negotiating of new boundaries + expectations in the union.
For others, you may move on from a bad breakup or supplemental situationship into a more healthy and whole dating market looking for new love altogether. And for those where dating was scarce over the summer, you may soon find that you are turning heads everywhere. Not long from now in October love will be everywhere.
The Final Word: Judgment is in and the deal is sealed as Mercury Retrograde aligns with the Virgo New Moon to conclude any lingering questions hanging in the balance regarding Love, Money, Women, Appearances, and Happiness since July-August. All summer dramas get resolved after this point 9/15. What answers arrive to help you move forward around mid-September? You may have received an initial clue around Labor Day Holiday Weekend. In fact, if summer has been really hard for you, you may experience a bit of good luck to keep your hopes up right around 9/15.
The 9/22 Fall Equinox changes the seasons, literally healing summer dilemmas and paving the way towards new beginnings this fall. Start wiping the slate clean from old uncertainties in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness, and explore new possibilities in these same departments. What fresh outlook arrives in the Third Week Of September ? In fact, the 9/22 Fall Equinox is a powerful time for manifestation rituals, intention setting, and new beginnings.
A fiery finale to the summertime drama with a surprise insight or experience about Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness. It’s likely linked to similar situations initially emerging around the 7/1-4 Independence Day Holiday and + again around the 8/7-9 Lion’s Gate Portal. You may burn bridges with exes or old situations—or fully relight the flame in a romance or scenario that you almost lost during the summer. What match lights a fire for you at the End Of September/Start Of October ?
THE BOTTOM LINE: The three-month summer spread of July-August-September is poised to change our Finances, Relationships, Gender Dynamics, & Aesthetics as well as our Social Karma. There is a series of geocosmic planetary triggers which overlap, stirring up each step of the summertime transformation in sequential calendar dates- starting this month with the infamous ‘40 days-40 nights’ testing period of Venus Retrograde described in both biblical and Buddhist legend.
If you’re feeling nervous about the Venus Retrograde, the good news is that every major spiritual figure who endured this 40-day testing period- from Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Buddha- always came out on top, and so will you.
My job is to coach professionals like you on how to make better decisions by being in alignment with geocosmic energy patterns.
Because the summertime retrograde series is so intense, I’m offering a ‘Retrograde Relief’ discount until the end of September.
So if you if you’re feeling like “What the heck is going on in my life”, or you just haven’t come to see me in a while, or you’re enrolled in one of my coaching programs but want to add additional sessions to help you survive the summer, then click the link below to schedule a session using the special price. Plus, you can use this link to book as many Retrograde Relief sessions as you need to this month- save the link and share it with a friend.