AUGUST 2023 Futurecast
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August 2023 is the fever pitch of summer-long transformations in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, and Happiness rerouting life plans in July, August, and September. August is the most intense month of change this summer where situations on the rocks either have a major breakdown or major breakthrough. Especially with ongoing dilemmas in finance or romance, things could take an unexpected turn—so don’t assume the final card has been played yet. Plus, the plot twist is:
There’s an erotic energy in August that brings desire, pleasure, & sex to the table.
Just when you thought all hope was lost or it was as good as it could get, a sudden daring urge to ask for more—and possibly recieve it—heats up your bank account or bedroom.
August teaches The Pleasure Principle and The Law Of Attraction—inherently feminine energetics.
This summer you’ve reached a block or bankruptcy with something you’ve been forcing full steam ahead ; suddenly you’ve run out of steam, or nothing is happening in spite of all your efforts.
August teaches you how to redirect energy from the masculinity of Force to the femininty of Invitation.
This month you’re invited to become more supple in areas where you’ve been scarce—especially in finance, romance, sex, and self-care. The surprising trick in shifting your energy from Force to Invitation hinges upon the principles of Pleasure and Desire.
This month stretches the Edges Of Desire, beckoning you to up your game with Love, Money, Women, Appearances, and Happiness. But first you’ll need to get over a recently bruised ego, hurt feelings, or feeling of unworthiness and make daring moves towards who + what you lust for in life.
Somewhere in the mix also resides a woman—a goddess—who needs reclaiming, or release.
There’s an energetic stuckness around the feminine principle that is longing to be lubricated in the heat of the summer. You can create movement by making a move with this woman, either to make a stand for her before she drifts away or by completely letting her go from your life so she’s no longer a block to you or herself.
Metaphorically speaking, we are all being asked to create movement with the feminine principle this month by softening, opening, attracting, enjoying, and indulging our desires to inform bigger ‘ask’s’ in our life so we can recieve more than we’ve lately been getting.
Read below for an overall summary of this month’s energetic themes, followed by a detailed calendar of 13 key dates you won’t want to miss—in fact, the calendar dates revealed will help you peek into to the past, plan in the present, and even predict the future outcomes of situations you’re currently dealing with. Plus, I’ve included a link for ‘Retrograde Relief’ discounted summer sessions to help you survive the most intense three months of 2023—click the link below.
August stretches the edges of our desires, challenging us to connect our Eros- or erotic energy- to our Asks.
Eros is our passionate instinct, our capacity for desire, our lust for life—and perhaps you are not wanting or asking for enough.
What will you allow yourself to want ? What is your forbidden ‘ask’ ?
August knocks on the door of your naughtiest desires—the things you typically tell yourself aren’t meant for you—and dares you to make your most forbidden requests. Notice the inner narratives which minimize your Eros, your Ask, and inevitably your Outcome. It may sound like : ‘That’s too much to ask for.’ ‘That’s too nice.’ ‘That happens to other people but not for me.’ ‘I don’t deserve that.’
What would it be like to…
· confidently claim the price you deserve to a boss or client ?
· tell the person you adore how wild you are for them ?
· ask for the sexual touch you crave ?
· push for the physique you want to admire in the mirror ?
· make the indulgent purchase that you told yourself was ‘too fancy’ ?
· here’s a tough one : ask for forgiveness from the person you want to reclaim ?
Too often we lead from pracicality instead of passion, and that often leads us to asking for too little. Shifting your ‘ask’ to a place of desire- rather than simply what you think you can get or ‘makes sense’- creates spaciousness where once there was settling.
Learn that being cut off from your Eros has shortchanged your expectations and left you frustrated with a cup half empty. There is more fullness to be had if you would allow yourself to lead with your deepest desires and ask with the belief that those desires might be met. Certainly, opening the door to desire will create more room in places in your life that are feeling blocked or tight.
August invites us to let pleasure drip from every crevice of our daily experience—rather than being a rare treat we sometimes allow ourselves only once all practicalities have been met. We are asked to be supple rather than scarce. To take our time, to take time off, to do what’s fun first, to take care, to enjoy, to invite and receive. These are innately feminine- or ‘yin’/’omega’ qualities.
What would it be like if Venus, Aphrodite, or Cleopatra were in charge of your decisions ?
Men : Is there a woman- a goddess- you need to reclaim …or release ?
Men, if there is a goddess in your world who needs to be reclaimed-- then make your stand for her. Don’t let the one you want get away. And don’t pawn off the one you want to another man for him to give her what she wants (or have to fend for it herself)—you be the guy to deliver.
Let your admiration, respect, and love for her overcome any challenges, misunderstandings, or distance between you two. Take a passionate stand for her and make a sweeping move—she will likely be more impressed and grateful than your bruised ego is anticipating.
Men, if there is a goddess in your world who needs to be released—then free her to find her own way in life, or to find another man who will provide what you cannot or will not. Don’t cling to loose threads in a relationship that is falling apart or long past it’s expiration date. ‘Hanging around’ in her field by continuing to chat, spend time, or exchange things is not helping. Clearly cut the cord, and hold your boundaries after—it’s better for you and for her (and for the next guy !)
Men, in all cases: Are you willing to be the guy for this goddess or not ? Either way, don’t keep her waiting, wondering, or holding her back.
Women : Reclaim your feminine virtues.
Have you been feeling like a do-it-all burntout workaholic where also being sexy, soft, and fun simply feels like one more thing on your long to-do list ? It’s time to undress the masculine roles you’ve been playing in society so you can slip back into your inherently supple feminine qualities. Invite yourself to dress sexy, take a long bath, take a day off, dance, laugh with your friends, shop, cook, pleasure yourself in the bedroom, etc.
As you undress the hyper-masculine affectations of the busy modern world, you will rediscover the power of attraction—an inherently feminine energetic. By drawing energy back into yourself, you will naturally draw in and attract precisely the people + opportunities you have your eye on.
There is no need to chase or force when you can open + summon.
Sex is hot in August.
Allow erotic infusion to rock your world and awaken dormant desires—especially if your juicy has been feeling dried up.
Single : prioritize and normalize self-pleasure ; massage, sensual dance classes, adult entertainment events, or more frequent orgasmic self-touch will help re-spark your inner seducer. Please yourself—you don’t have to wait for others !
Situationships : Summertime is rife with breakups and makeups, so great makeup sex could be on the agenda with a rekindled flame. Is there someone you’ve still got the hots for ? Rather than giving them the cold shoulder, reach out. Perhaps they’ve been missing you too, and a roll in the sheets can sometimes work out a lot of unexpressed emotion between you two. Let sex say what your words cannot.
Committed : experiment with the edge of ecstasy by pushing your partner farther into surrender, trust, and daring. Try new toys, play out fantasies, do a boudoir photoshoot, get a couples coach or hire a tantrika, and most importantly dare to ask for an emotional or erotic favor from your lover that you’ve been holding back on thinking you’re asking for ‘’too much.’
In all cases, let erotic energy lead you into new awakenings in August. My favorite sexy toolkit includes :
The ‘S Factor’ Method by strip tease instructor Sheila Kelley. Learn sexy seduction moves and find out your erotic language by taking her quiz (remember to peep on your lovers’ style too) (I’ve trained in the S Factor Method for over a decade ; it’s where I learned my pole dancing skills and I still take classes to this day)- EC Quiz - S Factor
‘Playing With Fire : The Spiritual Path Of Intimate Relationship’ intimacy guidebook by hot power couple Justin Patrick Pierce + Londin Winters (learn about sexual polarity and mastering the Alpha & Omega erotic archetypes)- Playing With Fire: The Spiritual Path of Intimate Relationship: 9780986394256: Pierce, Justin Patrick, Winters, Londin Angel: Books
Kim Anami’s adult salons teaching the art of orgasm through her online sex school (my favorites are ‘Sexual Mastery For Men’, ‘Coming Together For Couples’, and ‘The Well-Fucked Woman’)- Home — Kim Anami
David Dieda’s 'Dear Lover’ book is uncomfortably candid about what men and women really want from each other ; it’s vulnerable, brutal, and true (his ‘Finding God Through Sex’ and ‘Way Of The Superior Man’ books are great too)- David's Books - View All » David Deida Online Bookstore
Sofia Sundari’s ‘Liberation Into Orgasm’ guide is both anatomical and functional, while still being spiritual (she is famous for helping people achieve full body orgasms and multiple orgasms—for men and women alike) Liberation Into Orgasm: Through Pleasure Beyond Pleasure: Sundari, Sofia: 9781732182400: Books
A word of warning to all lovers : the Venus Retrograde relationship review cycle from July-August-September is tempting for trysts …make sure you are acting with emotional ethics—this energy can make affairs seem very alluring. You are most likely going to get caught or end up with a mess on your hands during Venus Retrograde. However, if you’ve been needing to end an ongoing affair, this is actually the perfect time to cut the cord.
There are 13 key turning points throughout July, August, & September which if you track them very carefully will help you navigate your most essential decisions in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, and Happiness. Notice the dates very carefully ! Go back to your text messages, emails, bank transactions, and journal entries—they all have dates catalogued.
Mark Your Calendar-
6/3-5 The summertime story begins as early issues in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness emerge on the horizon. Which themes come online around the First Weekend In June ?
7/1-4 Independence Day Holiday Weekend brings a surprise insight or experience about Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness—an issue likely rumbling on the horizon since June. What unexpected flash occurs near the Fourth Of July ?
7/22-23 Let the games begin : The legendary ’40 Days + 40 Nights’ testing period mentioned in the Bible and Buddhism launches at the Venus Retrograde review cycle. Pre-existing issues in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness erupt throughout July, August, and September (but have been on the horizon since June). What striking turn-of-events occurs around this key date the Third Week Of July ?
7/28-8/1 More to the story is soon on it’s way. Either there is a ‘money wrench’ layering on top of ongoing situations, or useful information about how to solve it. What new obstacle or new information regarding ongoing issues in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness comes online around the Last Weekend In July/First Week Of August ?
8/9 A surprise insight or experience about Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness. Possibly linked to a theme or incident which occurred around the 7/1-4 Independence Holiday Weekend (or even as far back as June). What unexpected flash occurs?
8/13-16 Midpoint of the ’40 Days + 40 Nights’ Venus Retrograde testing period welcomes a much desired shift in ongoing issues with Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness. Hope is on the horizon ! However, the rest of the story still unfolds through September. What sign of relief, amends, or clarity arrives mid-August ?
8/22-23 More to the summer story regarding Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness finally emerges as the Mercury Retrograde review cycle layers on top of the concurrent Venus Retrograde. The next two weeks from 8/22-9/3 will be the most challenging and transformative of the entire summer—buckle up ! Look for a much anticipated arrival of Communication/Information, Understandings/Agreements or Contracts, or even Logistics/Travel to help finally solve summer situations by September. What striking turn-of-events occurs around this key date the Third Week Of August?
8/27-30 Make Or Break : If there is any shred of hope to be had regarding summer-long issues in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness, the clear sense of direction arrives now. Will the situation be able to mend and resolve, or will you need to simply move on ? What ‘last straw’ arrives at the End Of August ?
9/3-6 All Hail The Queen : The legendary ’40 Days + 40 Nights’ testing period concludes as Venus Retrograde completes her summer-long tranformations in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness—you will have final answers soon on issues that first emerged in June/July. What major decision or event arrives around Labor Day Holiday ?
9/14-16 The Final Word : Judgment is in and the deal is sealed as Mercury Retrograde concludes any lingering questions hanging in the balance since August (especially the Third Week Of August around 8/22-23) regarding Communication/Information, Understandings/Agreements or Contracts, or even Logistics/Travel. All summer dramas get resolved after this point. What answers arrive to help you move forward around mid-September ?
9/22 Fall Equinox changes the seasons, literally healing summer dilemmas and paving the way towards new beginnings this fall. Start wiping the slate clean from old uncertainties in Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness, and explore new possibilities in these same departments. What fresh outlook arrives in the Third Week Of September ?
9/29 A fiery finale to the summertime drama with a surprise insight or experience about Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness. It’s likely linked to similar situations initially emerging around the 7/1-4 Independence Day Holiday and + again around 8/9. You may burn bridges with exes or old situations—or fully relight the flame in a romance or scenario that you almost lost during the summer. What match lights a fire for you at the End Of September/Start Of October ?
10/4-8 New stories emerge for the fall as you feel completely cleared from summer karma. What doors open the First Two Weeks Of October ?
THE BOTTOM LINE: The three-month summer spread of July-August-September is poised to change our Finances, Relationships, Gender Dynamics, & Aesthetics as well as our Social Karma. There is a series of geocosmic planetary triggers which overlap, stirring up each step of the summertime transformation in sequential calendar dates- starting this month with the infamous ‘40 days-40 nights’ testing period of Venus Retrograde described in both biblical and Buddhist legend.
If you’re feeling nervous about the Venus Retrograde, the good news is that every major spiritual figure who endured this 40-day testing period- from Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Buddha- always came out on top, and so will you.
My job is to coach professionals like you on how to make better decisions by being in alignment with geocosmic energy patterns.
Because the summertime retrograde series is so intense, I’m offering a ‘Retrograde Relief’ discount on sessions in July, August, & September.
So if you if you’re feeling like “What the heck is going on in my life”, or you just haven’t come to see me in a while, or you’re enrolled in one of my coaching programs but want to add additional sessions to help you survive the summer, then click the link below to schedule a session using the special price. Plus, you can use this link to book as many Retrograde Relief sessions as you need to this summer- save the link and share it with a friend.