MAY 2023 Futurecast
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MAY 2023 brings Eco-Consciousness, Abundance, & Feminine Energetics.
May 2023 marks a shift from Pioneering Energy to Prosperity Energy.
Endeavors germinating since the beginning of the year finally enter a thirteen-month fruitfulness phase where they come into fruition between now and Spring 2024. It’s the official process of moving something from Initiation into Manifestation. Even greater tangible strides are yet to come during summer’s high point from July-August-September.
This is a sweeter month that highlights the advantages of ‘Yin’ or ‘Omega’ energetic strategies; Allowing + Attracting will get farther than Fast + Forceful. The role of women is also be highlighted- such as a notable rise in women-owned businesses or women in executive offices- so keep an eye out for an Influential Female to be key in unlocking the success of your endeavors.
You’re awakened to a greater generosity of service over the next two months from May-June. People are seeking what you offer, so respond with creative new ways to extend your capabilities. During summertime, the opportunity to scale will present itself.
On the world stage, May 2023 opens a five-month portal of Power Reversals where old pandemic-era schemes and political figures may get ousted (or at least minimized) from now through October. US President Biden, Dr. Fauci, and other ‘plandemic’ players may suddenly find themselves being relocated into less public roles as more public information becomes available regarding their backdoor burglaries.
Themes around Money, Agriculture, Ecology, and Natural Health Alternatives will take a thirteen-month spotlight from now until Spring 2024. The impending loss of the US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency looks increasingly inevitable and, as countries continue pushing the national digital currency concept, some citizens will become smart enough to resist the temptation to go cashless; recognizing it is a track + trace ploy disguised as a consumer convenience.
More “mysterious” disasters in farming, railway, and food production facilities will raise the eyebrows of even unawakened citizens who find the dollar squeeze at their dinner tables unbearable. Many will fight back by creating homesteads and small shared local community farms. Also, the next thirteen months will also hold big exposures of the biggest food companies like Monsanto, Tyson, Dean etc. for the toxins they put in our food and their inhumane treatment of animals.
Meanwhile, don’t forget that China owns more farmland in America than Americans do, so we’ll likely see a push to reclaim our nation’s bread basket by nationals.
Ecological crises will come to forefront with many more average citizens advocating to leaders for changes; one benefit of social media is that people are becoming educated about what many major corporations and government administrations are doing to our planet with their lust for profit and recognizing that we are headed towards the Sixth Extinction if our methods remain unaltered. In alignment with becoming more eco-conscious, many people will seek natural alternatives over pay-for-play modern healthcare. Expect the rise of homeopathy, energy healing, psychedelics, and organic products.
It’s not all doom-and-gloom; the thirteen-month shift of benevolent Jupiter into the earthy constellation of Taurus could turn out to be a great reversal, healing, and return to earth and our more natural state if we do it right. Read on for a play-by-play summary of May 2023…
Pluto Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde midpoint vibes, yikes! The next 48 hours might be full of unexpected surprises or changes; bit of a topsy-turvy time, hang on. Interestingly, something may come up regarding that emerging endeavor you’ve been working to make manifest. It’s fine to take a meeting or make progress, but don’t sign any papers or make absolute final commitments right now. (I would definitely not buy a house or get married, so-to-speak, around this date.)
From May-October 2023 the geocosmic signature for Power, Death, Transformation, and Evolution will revert back to its pandemic-era position. This is a finale opportunity to completely resolve some leftover material from that historical era. It may be especially linked to career, finance, family traditions, or definitions of success.
Consider the next five months as a period of power reversals.
· Where do you need to ‘flip the script’ or ‘turn the tables’ to your advantage?
· What realistic leverage do you have?
· How can you involve allies to help shift things?
Very often the power you need to take back is your own self-governance.
A strengthening of your values, boundaries, inner dialogue, or personal honesty can help create the clarity needed to then change external circumstances.
Remember: You are in charge of your experience. You can improve how you are setting the table.
5/5 LET GO BEFORE LAUNCHING. Scorpio Lunar Eclipse builds upon events which first emerged two weeks of mid-April. There might be a big project, endeavor, or life chapter that you’ve been trying to shift from the initiation phase into the manifestation phase. It’s so close, but there’s some delays that have left it in limbo. It’s almost ready to turn it’s tipping point, but not quite yet. What may need to happen first is a shedding or a crisis that releases old or stagnant energy blockading this new beginning.
Very often in life it’s tempting to want to jump to the “next big thing” without closing out old chapters. We like to skip steps- especially uncomfortable steps- and leap towards what feels exciting.
Maybe you want to start a new business or buy a new residence, but haven’t resolved old financial debts.
Maybe you want to start a new relationship, but haven’t completely exited from or had time to heal from an old romance.
Maybe you want to start a new life chapter, but haven’t reckoned with the old thoughts and behaviors that got you into the situation in the first place.
Reality check: we never really get to ‘skip steps’ when it comes to manifestation. The universe always finds a way to make us pay our dues.
If you’re skipping steps, you may encounter sudden delays or interruptions which inevitably force you to reassess your unfinished business.
Before launching, focus on letting go: Complete and release all the relationships, patterns, or obligations from previous situations so that you can fully show up to start something new.
Birthing requires all of you.
Venus enters Cancer for the next month making us value our domestic inclinations for home, family, food, nurturing, and comfort. These early summer months from May-June are ideal for repairing family relationships, building your tribe that feels like family, and even planning a relocation, renovation, or property purchase that may be on the books this year. We may even see a focus on women-owned businesses and women in leadership roles during May-June.
5/14-16 MERCURY RETROGRADE ENDS. Mercury Retrograde ends in the financial sign of Taurus where it has either increased your dollar discipline or created temporary financial worry from 4/21-5/14. Money matters get back on track over the next few weeks and may coincide to boost a project or endeavor you’ve been trying to launch from the initiation phase into the manifestation phase.
Meanwhile, Jupiter shifts into the constellation of Taurus where it will remain until Spring 2024. This is a geocosmic signature of Abundance, Agriculture, Ecology, and Natural Health. Overall wellbeing and material security become a strong focus over the next year.
You want to feel “rich” in life. What defines a rich life?
Give serious consideration to your quality of life and what it would take to experience more richness in the areas you value most. Free time, making memories with loved ones, travel or learning opportunities, romance, enjoying hobbies, or fitness are all things that can improve your sense of personal fulfillment.
Many people think that richness is exclusive to their bank account. But I can tell you from working with over 987+ clients, many of them at 6 and 7-figure earning levels, that cash does not exclusively determine a rich life.
In fact, many successful people know how to be rich but not happy. A rich life is determined by the fulfillment you create around the people and priorities you value most.
5/19-21 Taurus New Moon caps off a week of huge transitions alongside Mars entering the fiery constellation of Leo for the next two months. This makes us live with zeal, play the star or hero, and be lion-hearted with our love (and pride !). Positively used this makes us regal, generous, heroic, and full of pizazz. Negatively used this makes us attention-seeking, prideful, or exaggerated/dramatic.
The extent to which you are generous might expand in May-June-July, giving more graciously of your time, talents, and resources to others. An awakening that snaps you out of selfishness or self-fulfilling focus turns your attention to ways your life can become more dedicated to helping those who would benefit from your skills. When summer fully arrives, you may spend July-August-September implementing a larger scale service plan that was hatched from the initial seeds you are planting now. Notice now who is calling upon you, what is being asked of you, and what doors are opening—it will be a bigger deal by summertime.
On the world stage, May 2023 brings political power reversals, pandemic-era flashbacks, overdue funerals, and increased financial focus into next year.
A turning-of-the-tables could emerge at the beginning of the month 4/30-5/1 such as a surprising political announcement or unexpected incident which changes the way we thought things were going to go. Things could appear to shift backwards for the next five months until October 2023, reminding us of pandemic-era concerns such as disease, vaccines, unemployment, inflation, or questionable government leadership.
The 5/5 Cinco De May Lunar Eclipse reminds us we are still shedding the final trauma of the pandemic and there’s a few remaining funerals which must be had before we can completely start afresh in a new renaissance era for humanity.
Good news is that Mercury Retrograde ends 5/14 alongside a benevolent transition of Jupiter into the constellation of Taurus now through Spring 2024. This is a geocosmic signature of abundance, agriculture, ecology, and natural health.
New forms of money will be tested (and some debunked) over the coming year. It will take until 2026 for a potentially widespread switch to national digital currencies, de-dollarization, and the creation of new IMF’s.
Meanwhile, continued reforms in agriculture and ecology will continue to battle environmental concerns. You can bet that big businesses will lobby against these reforms to hang on to their profiteering.
An increase in holistic, natural, and alternative health will continue rising into next year. Psychedelics, ayurveda, plant-based diets, eco-conscious products, yoga, meditation, and energy healing will gain more mainstream credibility as traditional science opens up to seeing the benefits of these approaches.
Now that you know the overall geocosmic energy patterns for the month ahead, it’s time for YOU to determine your destiny…
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
This general futurecastreport is intended to provide overall guidance for the country as a whole sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal report based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.