JUNE 2023 Futurecast
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Are you receiving signs from the Universe?
June 2023 reveals clues of Divine Design that are bigger than expected.
How good are you at playing detective? Life is an evolving mystery story and the ability to see Divine Design in action takes seeing coincidences as clues, synchronicities as signs, and intuition as evidence. June 2023 begs you to be a conscious investigator like Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes. Peculiar people, places, and possibilities reveal there is a Greater Plan in the works than the plan you had for yourself. But the question is:
Are you paying attention to the signs + willing to allow your plan to look different?
June is a setup month that prepares us for an upcoming Double Retrograde during summertime.
Surprise turns attune you to possibilities you hadn’t seen, or that are divergent from- and likely better than- your original plans. This month is like a game of ‘Clue’ where the initial cards of key people and opportunities get laid out, although you won’t see how it all connects until July-August-September.
Like a good detective, take note of things that stand out. Build your evidence book throughout the month. Who or what is showing up for you differently than expected? What direction do you suspect the Divine Design is pointing you? The job of a good detective is to allow the design to reveal itself and follow its nudgings rather than to pre-engineer the outcome of the story. Instead of holding the story to strict expectations of preconceived notions, a good detective allows themselves to be informed by the surprises along the way.
There are clues in the air about Money, Relationships, & Influential Women.
In business, you might be organizing a project in which Money, Relationships, & Influential Women combine. Or those three factors can help assuage a preexisting stressful situation in a business deal gone awry. In your personal life, those three factors may show up in a romance or friendship dynamic that needs to get worked out. More will unfold during the summer.
For some people, there’s also a clue in the air about Aesthetics. You might soon be changing the way you or your brand looks, undergoing a metaphorical makeover or facelift.
Overall in life there’s a sense of being so close to- yet unable to grasp- epic tranformations you’ve been orchestrating. The suspense of standing tippy toe of the edge of a big leap, and yet still a thread of unfinished business is pulling you back from jumping across the verge. This is because you kept hoping this thread of unfinished business would eventually resolve itself without you ever having to fully confront or cut ties with it. As if a dissolving or disintegration of these threads would save you from having to assert yourself and stake your claim. You will learn: you can never fully run into the future by running away from the past. Summertime will cause you to finally- and courageously- cut those fraying threads.
Major birthings arrive mid-June at the Summer Solstice. This is where Divine Design shows that the outcome of your story is going to bigger and better than what you could have planned on your own. A “holy smokes this is big” realization hits you but then takes the next three months to fully come into play. It may require conflict, courage, and commitment to pull it off by summer’s end—but it will be huge if you do!
Keep reading for the full report + click the button below to book your individual monthly consultation-
6/3-5 FULL MOON SIGNS. Pay attention to the signs that are dropping in throughout the month- they start during the Full Moon on the First Weekend Of June when have an important ‘aha’ moment or receive a key message.
How skilled are you at listening to the universe?
Universal Language is spoken through synchronicities like:
coincidences that seem out-of-the-blue but aligned
song lyrics that voice exactly what is on your heart
messages from friends or strangers that answer a question you were just asking
an invitation that leads you to the very person or opportunity you were seeking
sudden interferences that help you avert unknown disasters.
When a sign is important enough, it often repeats several times until you act on it.
If you feel that you’re receiving signs from the universe, let your Intuition interpret the meaning of the signs and then let your Logic execute the follow-up plan.
If you find yourself denying what your Intuition is telling you, then your Logic may be trying to talk you down a more convenient path rather than the most correct path. Talk in your head sounding like- “Oh no that can’t be it, that’s not what I had planned, or that seems tough.” Remember that Intuition is connected to your Higher Self or the universal part of you, whereas Logic is connected to your Personality or everyday ego. Intuition always tries to keep us on the most correct path- which isn’t always convenient or logical- but is ultimately for our highest good.
If you notice you’re talking yourself out of your intuition, ask: “What’s the risk I’m resisting or the truth I am delaying?”
The best decisions we make in life are when we follow our intuition. The worst decisions we make in life are when we don’t. Either way, it starts with the “I Had A Feeling” instinct.
Whether it ends up as great or disastrous depends on our interpretation of those instincts and our follow-through. My job as a Cosmic Coach is to help clients interpret universal language so that they can make better decisions.
All leaps of faith require cord cutting. You can’t fully commit ahead until you disengage elsewhere. You’re so close to new beginnings- literally on your tip toes at the edge of making great changes- but you can’t leap on to that path until you cut the cord on people/commitments that are draining or cracking the foundation of your happiest self. Begin the process of peeling yourself away to get unstuck. Between June-October you dance at the borderline of past-meets-present, toying with a new future until you’re totally ready to reckon with unfinished business. These threads being woven are likely linked to Career, Money, Definitions Of Success, or Family Tradition.
Meanwhile, chatting and planning with co-collaborators about your wild dreams buzzes for two weeks from 6/12-26. There may even be a brainstorming document that gets created or a formal agreement signed. You’re crafting a major future endeavor- and it isn’t solo.
6/17- 18 INTO THE CAVE.
Gemini New Moon invites us ‘into the cave’ where we wait, observe, and listen for the signs about what to do next in life. Messages, signs, and synchronicities are abundant this month; time for inner silence helps you hear where you are being called.
Remember: the job of your intuition is to keep you on the most correct path- not the most convenient one. In the stillness of solitude, listen for the best answer over the easiest answer.
There is a sense of suspense or waiting this weekend, like a slingshot being pulled back before launching. Don’t rush the gestation period of divine guidance. The green lights of go-ahead will arrive next week during the Summer Solstice.
6/19-21 EMPIRE-BUILDING ALIGNMENTS. The annual Summer Solstice seasonal turning point aligns with an exceptionally favorable link between lucky Jupiter and strategic Saturn, making this entire week powerful for enormous leaps towards your goals—especially if you were paying attention to some of the hints, signs, and nudges throughout the month. Fortuitous encounters set you up for success in ways bigger than you can even yet imagine. In fact, these are empire-building alignments.
The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. It symbolizes shifting from the initiation phase of seed planting in springtime into the manifestation phase of full bloom in summertime. Things are aching to come to fruition for you. The universe wants you to blossom, so walk through the doors that are opening. And don’t get in the way of destiny by ignoring universal signs or clinging to cords that need to be cut.
If you’ve been playing your cards right, this week could bring key destiny-defining moments that seem subtle at first but significant in the long run. Divine Design has been weaving a plan that is on a much bigger scale than you’ve dreamt for yourself, and it’s becoming extremely obvious at this point. What magical web do you see? Monday and Wednesday are especially good dates for important meetings, events, signings, etc.
6/27-30 CULTIVATING CLEAR SIGHT. Feelings and intuition continue to be the wayshower in June, leaving Logic second in line as the follow-up companion to more superior universal mind. The next six months are about cultivating clear sight- the ability to see with your Third Eye chakra what is really going on. Slowly pulling the blinders off anywhere we’ve been deceived or have been deceiving ourselves. Helping us get to the core truth so we can see more clearly and make wiser decisions. June-December are good for a more honest inner self dialogue, and to call others out when they are deceiving themselves or trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
We get a two-week jumpstart into cultivating clear sight from 6/27-7/10 as we are invited to think more discerningly about our emotions. Give pause to really consider how you are feeling, rather than always rushing off to the next thing or stuffing down emotions just to make it through the day. Give yourself extra breathing room to notice when emotions come up: ‘How does that make me feel? Why? What information is this reaction telling me?’. Lean into the feelings. Clear sight occurs when your Third Eye and Heart chakras collaborate.
Spiritual, healing, or creative endeavors become important over the next six months as they are all mediums for getting in touch with our intuition.
On the world stage, Money and Women step into the hot seat this summer. June 2023 is our setup month, so expect the initial indicators to emerge. Will a female candidate for the 2024 US Presidential race possibly be named? Or perhaps an inappropriate involvement with a female will surface to tarnish the reputation of a political leader, especially if it involves a payoff? During the summer women’s rights issues may flare up in other countries, such as the women’s education revolution in Iran or financial scandals of sex trafficking linked to celebrities, politicians, and big names (ex: Ghaslain Maxwell).
Last year during June’s Summer Solstice, the US Supreme Court overturned the abortion ruling Roe v. Wade causing widespread upset amongst female voters. World leaders love to make major announcements on seasonal solstice + equinox points, so you can bet there will be major world news the Week Of The Summer Solstice from June 19-25th.
The US Dollar, debt ceiling, and digital currency will run into trouble during July-Aug-Sept, and expect to see preliminary signs in June. New forms of currency will be pushed over the summertime along with public outrage about the truth of where our American taxpayer dollars are getting funneled to. Don’t be surprised if there are big bank surprises such as widespread identity theft at a major banking institution, limits on cash withdrawls (ex: when the French stormed the banks who wouldn’t let them withdraw their own money), bank branch closures, and IRS scandals coming this summer.
The AI hot streak will meet resistance from June 2023 into Early 2024 before world finally accepts that we’ve let a genie out of the bottle that cannot be reversed. Ethics and laws for AI still need to be established. Many fear the widespread unemployment that will inevitably occur once AI takes over more basic jobs currently held by humans.
Meanwhile, could the world owners be quietly cooking up the next plandemic between June-December to be launched sometime in the next few years? The closer society inches towards digital currency, surveillance tracking, and AI workforce, the more likely we are to see the governing powers deploy another “disaster” to scare everyone into compliance.
My job is to coach professionals like you on how to make better decisions by being in alignment with the unique geocosmic energy patterns described by your birthday.
Everything in our universe is created through mathematics. Vibration, frequency, and harmony are the foundational physics that describe patterns of how every living organism, person or thing will evolve in our material reality.
You, too, contain universal mathematics. The coordinates from your birthday reveal your unique energy patterns + timing in your evolution. We can use this define a clear Life Path for you with mathematical precision you cannot find anywhere else. It’s the fastest way to know your destiny with shocking accuracy that cannot be ignored-- that's why I love using the method and have applied it to 987 clients over the past 13 years!
Find out Who You Are, What’s Meant For You, & What To Do Next in less than 90-minutes. All you need to know is your birthday, and I’ll take care of the rest of your life.
In case it's interesting to you (or anyone you know!), there’s a link below to schedule a consultation.