MAY 2024 Futurecast
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Join me in person on Saturday, May 18th at Body Mind Soul Bookstore to discover:
Discover the 6 crucial choices that create karma as revealed by the soul’s journey through the constellations, the most dangerous decisions that can tempt you away from your soul’s alignment, and what your zodiac sign says about your role in helping humanity navigate the spiritual crossroads of Relationships, Resources, Perspective, Caregiving, Creativity, and Service.
May 2024 is the most important month of this year.
This month’s energy is Fate Fast Forwarded.
The keynotes are Big Ideas + New Deals.
The month of May makes sense of April and accelerates the timeline of serendipities and newness towards June. April was full of unexpected synchronicities and sudden twists of fate. But why did it happen? What did it mean? And where is it leading? This month you’ll find out.
Keep an open mind to anything that’s possible. Even if it’s not something you think aligns with your plan- but has suddenly presented itself through unignorable synchronicity that it is beneficial for you- be open to new ideas and think outside of the box.
Activate a mindset shift to create visionary opportunities; big new ideas.
New contracts, deals, and agreements.
Wealth upgrades + financial transitions (possibly continued from April)
Beginning or upleveling relationships; lucky in love.
Surprises or unexpected events in love or money (possibly continued from April).
Moving for some, quick trips for many.
Acceleration towards the future and ripping away of the past; exciting but might hurt a bit; rip the bandaid off, “sorry but I gotta go.”
Explosion of digital business, social selling, online education, information economy.
The beginning of the end of traditional religion as we know it and the unstoppable momentum of non-denominational spirituality.
Possibly the most important month of 2024.
Venus-Pluto + Beltane.
“Mine. Yours. Ours.” May explores obsession and possession in interpersonal relationships. An intense sense of ownership may emerge in how you feel about others or in how others feel about you: “You’re mine. Or, They’re mine.” Whether that’s a friend, a lover, a child, business collaborator, or prized client. An incredible feeling of merging can feel ecstatic or, for some, could feel smothering or threatening for others. You might obsess over a certain relationship this month, whether it’s obsessing over how into it you are or how frustrated you are by it, as magnetic Venus squares intense Pluto.
In some cases, there could also be tension around money matters in interpersonal relationships.
Sex is a hot topic in May as re-stoking your inner fire is key to tapping into your aliveness.
Beltane is the holiday celebrated at the cross-quarter point between Spring and Summer. Beltane is a Celtic term meaning “the fires of Bel (Celtic sun god)” or “two fires”; it is one of several fertility festivals celebrated during the first half of the year and is particularly associated with sacred sexuality. It’s time to remember the innocent rejuvenating quality of our libido as creative life force energy that creates more life. An excellent time to check in on your hormones, enjoy a sensual evening (even if it's just with yourself), or spice up your sex life—find some way to tap into pleasure and let life be juicy.
Beltane is about weaving the spirit back into the physical body, so also consider taking care of your body and spending time in nature: massage, health check, outdoor walk etc. PS: Legends say that fairies/nature entities are more active during this time.
Taurus New Moon.
Taurus New Moon carries forth breakthroughs or breakaways from April; possibly regarding Miracles, Money, Health, or Sex. What progress has been made since April linked to surprising openings of hope, serendipitous opportunities, or freedom towards the future?
5/13 AHA MOMENTS. Mercury fully realigns from it’s April retrograde cycle, clarifying and cleaning up changes that occurred last month (and possibly reaching as far back as the 3/19 Spring Equinox or 3/25 Lunar Eclipse). Sun-Uranus facilitates “aha moments”, sudden clarity, spontaneous decisions, or decisions that free you from something you’ve been feeling trapped in over the past month or so. Enlightenment + Liberation! An excellent day for meetings or finalizing decisions.
5/18 MOMENTUM DAY! Today is one of the most favorable dates this month for change. Venus-Uranus brings surprises in relationships or money (or both), Sun-Jupiter brings progress and luck (or festivity), and Mars-North Node brings inspired action towards your future destiny. As the Nike slogan says, “Just do it!”
Jupiter-Venus & Sagittarius Full Moon.
Today into this weekend is when everything good could happen all at once. The lucky planet Jupiter aligns with magnetic Venus and psychic Neptune, pulling the heavens down to earth. Whatever miracles you’ve been praying for might begin showing signs of manifesting hope. Even better: possibilities you didn’t even know were available in your stratosphere may suddenly reveal themselves as legitimate options on your path. Let the universe surprise you with how benevolent it can be. This alignment is coincided by the Sagittarius Full Moon setting everything off with a sense of openness, adventure, and reverie- perfect for planning a good time. “Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez.” 5/23-26 are outstanding for planning absolutely anything.
5/25 CHANGING CHAPTERS. Jupiter enters the messenger constellation of Gemini for the next thirteen months where you’ll be flooded with new ideas, able to shift stagnant points of view, learning new things and liberating your mental outlook, networking with like-minded people, and feeling more confident about vocalizing your opinion or spreading your knowledge.
5/30-31 LIGHTNING INSIGHT. Mercury the messenger unites with Uranus- the wildcard of surprises- brings a lightning bolt of intellect, insight, or communication. You could receive a sudden message or piece of information, have a sudden flash of intuition, or an ‘aha’ moment. Notice what the universe is ‘saying’ to you. Or a speed time-warp time might move really quickly on this day. (Watch out for transportation hiccups from 5/29-31)
Watch the 2024 Futurecast: Year Of The Dragon for more details into the month of May.
Most people tell me it’s better than therapy, that they wish they’d done it soon, and that they wish they could take the money + time they’d spent on other self-help programs to do this first instead.
Quit wondering, stop worrying, start acting.