MARCH 2024 Futurecast
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JOIN ME at a 4-Day Eclipse Festival in Austin TX to celebrate the what is predicted by astronomers to be the most-watched event in modern history.
JOIN ME for a 4-day spiritual festival in Austin TX from April 5-8th celebrating the Total Solar Eclipse, predicted by astronomers to be the most watched event in modern history with an estimated half a billion people set to view it.
Watch it with me in the Texas hill country over Music, Dance, Ceremony, Ritual, & Community with over 20+ spiritual speakers:
Opening keynote by a Tibetan Lama
4 days of educational talks
festival-style celebration
unique rituals
my presentation: Spiritual Crossroads: 6 Choices That Create Karma on Saturday, April 6th.
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime consciousness event hosted by the renown Shift Foundation during a history-making phenomena.
March 2024 is about dreaming the world into existence.
This month’s energy is Visionary.
The keynotes are Love, Dreams, Creativity, and Spirituality.
Synchronicities that are too uncanny to ignore pop up consistently throughout the month helping guide your path- be sure to follow the signs. It’s as if a guardian angel keeps dropping people, projects, places, practices, and possibilities to get your attention. In fact, who or what is grabbing your attention is likely a much different direction than you’re familiar with. Chances are the universe recognizes you are ready to uplevel beyond your already mastered familiarity. You might be led to make money or to make love in more unconventional ways.
Launches and new beginnings are abundant this month around the Spring Equinox, which is Mother Nature’s New Year. Your hopes and visions can really take flight. Plus, romantic relationships and business partnerships bloom around the Libra Lunar Eclipse. There’s an element of surrealism, psychedelics, art, and spirituality that proliferate this month’s energy.
Let March be sweet and full of possibilities.
Sun-Jupiter luck.
Synchronicities and signs kickstart the month of March when the heroic Sun connects with lucky Jupiter on 3/1. Daydreams, fantasies, visions, intuitions, and serendipitous encounters that seem too uncanny to ignore consistently drop in throughout the month-- but something exceptional pops into your field of awareness during the First Weekend Of March. Trust it, follow it.
Is there a particular feeling or idea that keeps circulating? Is there a certain person that is showing up? Is there a place or practice you feel intensely drawn to? Stay curious about why this is trying to get your attention- especially if it feels out of your norm- and continue following the clues throughout the month.
Whatever or whoever it is may combine elements of:
spirituality with practicality,
charitable causes with money or tangible service,
romance with sensuality.
In many ways, this new curiosity feels destined or like wink from heaven…because it is. You’re indeed being led down a slightly different path than you’re used to—and that’s the point. You’re ready to step beyond what you have already mastered in your familiarity into new, expanded skill sets, relationships, and experiences. You are about to be taken beyond yourself. Stay tuned!
Venus square Uranus.
Unusual ways of making love or making money are ripe to be explored as unconventional Uranus activates magnetic Venus, attracting all sorts of out-of-the-box possibilities into your field this month beginning the First Weekend Of March.
Who made the rules of how you are ‘supposed to’ love or make money?
Is that really working for you right now?
And why are you still following that structure?
Perhaps it’s time to reinvent structures that support you rather than hold you back. A better question would be:
How can I restructure my ways of loving or making money to invite more in?
If you’ve had a closed heart or broken heart, perhaps it’s time to fall in love again. If there’s a person you’ve wondered about having a romantic or sexual experience with, perhaps it’s time to redefine what you’ve labeled as ‘naughty’ or ‘wrong’ and examine how it could be approached as ‘genuine’ and ‘good.’ If you’re holding resentment towards someone (including yourself), perhaps it’s time for a forgiveness practice. In any situation just ask: Where is my heart closed? And how can I let more love in?
In matters of success, if you’ve been doing the same old thing for a long time then perhaps it’s time to change careers, or add new offerings, or create something outside of your main job. If you’ve always been the breadwinner, perhaps it’s time to allow others to support you to some extent with their finances, favors, or extra resources. If you are feeling stuck in the grind, perhaps it’s time to take time off or invent an outside project related to your passions that generates a bit of income and joy. In any situation just ask: Where is my talent needed? And how can I let more abundance in?
For some people, financial arrangements or business opportunities may combine with love.
Wherever you feel trapped in a box this month, take a closer look at the ‘rules’ you invented to close yourself in there and re-write them. Life is your story.
Pisces New Moon.
Mercury and Neptune unite for a spike in intuition on 3/8: Trust your gut. There is a new curiosity that feels destined or like wink from heaven which has been circulating in your field since the beginning of this month. That person, project, place, practice, or possibility that feels too uncanny to ignore. You receive another clue pointing you in the right direction during the Second Weekend Of March. Keep following its tracks. You might also have an experience during the Second Weekend Of March that is psychic, healing, or creative as the Pisces New Moon on 3/10 prompts the hidden forces of the universe to stir your subconscious.
In fact, there is a glimmer of hope in the air about something you had previously given up on but that is now becoming available to you again—but just in a different package than you expected or different than how you got it last time. What dreams have you forsaken that are perhaps time to revisit? Perhaps you had given up on love, put a hobby on the backburner, or let a passion project fall by the wayside. But what if it was all still possible again- just in a new way? The universe is dreaming a new dream for you this month, and the web is wider than you think.
Like a dream catcher ornament hanging above your head, you seem to be attracting unique opportunities and unusual people. Soon you will see how they all weave together.
The official New Year of Mother Nature arrives at the 3/19 Spring Equinox, which demarcates the spring season in our environment signaled by equal hours of daylight and nightlight. This date is ideal for launches, deals, major events/decisions, and manifestation rituals.
Also, do some ‘spring cleaning’- literal or metaphoric. Who/what needs to be detoxified from your life? What new seeds are you planting? Out with the old, in with the new.
However, although this is a generally favorable date, it also begins the Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period- meaning the two week period before the official springtime retrograde where subtle signs of what will soon be changing in April are already starting to show. Keep a careful eye on who or what appears as significant around the Spring Equinox as their might be more to the story come next month. This might especially have to do with:
quick beginnings/sudden endings,
regretting having rushed into ‘jumping the gun’ on something or someone,
unresolved frustrations or possibly unresolved sexual tension,
the need for bold words in direct conversations.
3/21-22 SURE THING.
Venus conjunct Saturn.
Venus unites with Saturn on 3/21-22 wanting a “sure thing”. You are craving reassurance and responsibility in interpersonal relationships, financial accountability, structured fun, and locking in commitments. The Spring Equinox Week is a powerful time to ‘just say it’ or ‘just go for it.’
Meanwhile, Mars enters Pisces from 3/22-4/30 Mars further adding to the ongoing theme around synchronicities, dreams, creativity, intuition, compassion, healing and spirituality. Additionally, this can bring an otherworldly, psychedelic quality to sex as a form of energetic healing. You might be drawn to practices like tantra, BDSM, erotic dance, costuming, psychedelics, or bodily art work to transcend the purely physical and enter the ethereal realms during intercourse.
What’s love got to do with it? The title of that famous Tina Turner song encapsulates the powerful relationship portal activated by the 3/25 Lunar Eclipse in the partnership constellation of Libra. Collaborations, romances, business allies, and frenemies take flight over the next two weeks until the epic Solar Eclipse on 4/8. (In fact, the 4/8 Total Solar Eclipse is predicted by astronomers to be the most-watched event in modern history, with an estimated half a billion people set to view it.) If you’ve ever wanted to take a chance with someone else, now’s the time to dive all in!
The 3/25 Libra Lunar Eclipse aligns with the South Node of Past History and opposes the healer asteroid Chiron. Old relationship karma gets cleared out. You’re letting go of past crap from former heartbreaks, bad breakups, bad habits, and even past loves from past lives. Eclipses in these particular placements haven’t happened since 2005—what major turning points were happening in your life approximately 15 years ago? Similar activations may happen now (or you could be clearing something from that time period). You’ll soon be ready to link up with new faces, love or collaborate in expanded ways, or renew an existing relationship so it turns a fresh page.
The Lunar Eclipse Week is an excellent time for union with others or striking deals. Pay particular attention to the people you want to feel closest to.
3/31 EASTER. Easter is the modern Christianized version of the original pagan holiday celebrating the fertility goddess Istare/Ishtar- hence the symbolism of eggs (women’s eggs to birth new life). Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox and is a wonderful time for fertility rituals or new beginnings.
Most people tell me it’s better than therapy, that they wish they’d done it soon, and that they wish they could take the money + time they’d spent on other self-help programs to do this first instead.
Quit wondering, stop worrying, start acting.