DECEMBER 2023 Futurecast
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What ribbon is wrapping the gift of your future this holiday season?
If the whole of your life were a present, then there are currently loose threads that need to be carefully considered before determining how you want to package your life in 2024. There’s an element of unfinished business that must be rectified or course-corrected if you wish to finish this year with a bow on top.
Threads of your ribbon needing to be cut because they’re strangling your future plans:
a self-limiting story you’ve been telling yourself for about 6 months,
possibly an outright deception by someone else who is manipulating your progress,
a power struggle around money in relationships- whether romantic or business.
In the process, you need to right a few wrongs of toes stepped upon- whether yours or someone else’s. Otherwise, the subtle negative energy will continue to blockade the gifts coming your way. December 2023 provides an opportunity to tie up loose ends before a fantastic start to the 2024 New Year.
There’s an impending possibility of a prospective relocation, travel, or business or love in a faraway place. This idea has been growing since the fall but requires a few hangups from this summer to be put to rest before it can successfully materialize next year.
Also this month, you might feel drawn toward taboo bedroom liaisons as something stirs around sex and secrets. Pushing the limits of sexuality and social propriety as you dabble in indulging dark desires, perhaps sleeping with someone you ought not to but want to, playing with erotic power dynamics, attending adult lifestyle parties, or even creating your own adult content. All is well with exploring what is typically off limits as long as everyone involved is clear on the rules. Otherwise, you’ll run into danger playing with people’s feelings or playing with the wrong person. Be especially careful during this month’s Mercury Retrograde—you’re even more likely to get caught with your pants down, so-to-speak.
Christmas Week is the most explosive week of the month where whatever you think will happen something more than you could’ve imagined will occur entirely. Unpredictability reigns, so stay on high alert for both landmines and chance opportunities. If something were to blow up- for better or worse- it’ll most likely happen then.
Christmas Week also carries the annual Winter Solstice or “birthday of the gods”, inaugurating an intense death-and-rebirth cycle in your own journey. December 25th is the most historically popular birthday for numerous godlike savior figures in many world religions such as Osiris in Egyptian tradition, Dionysus in Greek tradition, Krishna in Hindu tradition, and Jesus in Christian tradition who all claim the same famous birthday of the Winter Solstice now re-named as Christmas. Perhaps the December 25th “birthday of the gods” will provide an epic experience that brings out the god or goddess within you.
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Mercury In Capricorn.
Move forward by finishing what’s on your plate first.
Strategic financial and business planning for 2024 is key this month- especially if it involves a prospective relocation, travel, or business or love in a faraway place- but it can’t move forward until you wrap up loose ends from 2023. Also, pay attention to what people + possibilities popped on to your radar since around Thanksgiving. Those might be the precise situations you’re hoping to culminate in the New Year but will first require a closing out or overcoming a roadblock before they can settle into place. Keep a careful eye on those people + possibilities from Thanksgiving-time because you will soon discover the snafu that must be reconciled during Mercury Retrograde which runs 12/12-/1/1. It may take until February for everything to fall into place.
12/4-29 SEX, MONEY, & SECRETS.
Venus enters Scorpio.
Being naughty can be nice, but with caution.
Sex, Money, + Secrets are brewing in December as Venus the value planet slinks through the stealthy constellation of Scorpio. Power struggles around money in relationships could rear their ugly head to be resolved in an interpersonal relationship or business partnership. Are you getting your fair share? Is everyone holding up their end of the deal? Who is paying for what? Who owes whom? Make sure you’re establishing clear financial expectations and that everyone is putting their money where their mouth is- including you.
Also, there’s something sexy yet secretive that you’re up to. Romance could take an unconventional walk on the dark side as you explore taboo sexual liaisons such as adult lifestyle parties, BDSM in the bedroom, or sleeping with someone you ought not to be—but if feels so good. Some may even explore sex magic rituals. Whatever form of erotic exploration you choose, the point is that you are examining power dynamics in the bedroom. It can be fun and expansive to shed light on the desires you usually tamp down, but just make sure you are playing safe and that everyone involved knows what the play is. Otherwise, playing with other people’s emotions is playing a dangerous game.
In fact, for some, the December theme of sex + money + secrets may combine in the form of money from a hidden source such as an angel investor, sugar daddy/sugar mama, cash you’ve stashed for a rainy day, or the creation of your own risqué adult media content that gets monetized or attracts benefactors to your work.
Neptune Direct.
What else could be true?
Confusion around something that intuitively doesn’t feel ‘right’ or resistance around something that doesn’t appear to be moving forward despite your efforts gets cleared up this month. Whatever has been hidden or psychically blocked for the past 6 months now gets revealed as Neptune, the magician planet, gets unstuck in the sky. The veil gets lifted on illusions or deception that have been at play in your life since July.
This could be a story within yourself that was holding you back but now gains a better alternative perspective, or this could be a person in your life who has been spinning stories in your head which at first you believed but now you recognize as a manipulation.
Detox from deception by examining limiting beliefs or limiting situations as if you were an outside observer—what else could be true? What if what you’re telling yourself isn’t the complete picture or only way to see things? What if something someone else is telling you isn’t the complete picture or is more for their benefit than yours? What if something feeling blocked in your life was because you were holding a desperate, fearful, or negative energy around it- or it simply wasn’t the right time yet?
Self-limiting illusions, deceptive manipulation from another person, or a general feeling of stuckness releases this month as you now see things from a more dynamic point of view. This loosens up incredible momentum for progress in the New Year. Pay special attention to people or situations that emerged around July—the situation may have finally run its course and it’s time for you to move on or move forward.
Mercury Retrograde.
Unfinished business catches up with you.
Who/what started popping up since around Thanksgiving? You must resolve unfinished business for something to move forward that you were scoping out around Thanksgiving, otherwise it won’t have a smooth start next year- especially if it involves a relocation, or love or business in a faraway place. There’s a roadblock in your way. But don’t worry, it’s not insurmountable. It simply has to be dealt with. This builds upon an ongoing theme of building your confidence in healthy conflict resolution that has been bubbling up since September-October (quit avoiding conflict!). The roadblock to be addressed may find it’s necessary turn of events during Christmas Week.
Winter Solstice.
The verdict is in on whether you’ve been naughty or nice. Christmas Week is the wildest week of holiday season where whatever you think will happen—something else might totally occur.
The annual Winter Solstice coincides as Mercury Retrograde reaches its midpoint and love-bomb Venus opposes truth-bomb Uranus. A wild card in relationships or finances drops under the Christmas tree (and this is even more likely if love + money are combining in a joint venture). You might have a synchronistic run-in with someone during holiday travels or holiday parties as paths cross, a surprising financial gain or loss that feels ‘out of the blue’, or receive an unanticipated message that changes the course of everything you thought you were going to do in 2024. Will Santa put treats or coal in your stocking this year?
The annual Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year, culminating a cycle of death and rebirth as you end one year and prepare for another. This is why holiday season can be filled with mixed feelings of both beginnings and endings. It’s not unusual to carry conflicted emotions, such as happiness + sadness, regret + anticipation, or excitement + exhaustion around this time. The Winter Solstice is a profound in-between period. What are you closing out? What are you welcoming in?
Ancient spiritual traditions recognized the dark Winter Solstice as a time to ‘go into the cave’, retreat to internally reflect, honor stillness and silence, release and prepare, and allow ourselves to metaphorically die and be born again. It is ironic, therefore, that our modern Christmas holiday is celebrated with fast-paced holiday travel, constant parties, endless shopping, and busy end-of-year business deadlines that keep us rushing throughout the month.
December 25th truly is the “Birthday Of The Gods”. The Winter Solstice got re-named as the holiday Christmas in modern times with popularization of Christianity in honor of its savior figure Jesus Christ.
Winter Solstice Week (now known as Christmas) is the most popular birthday among many religious savior figures throughout history.
Famous savior figures born on December 25th include: (Egyptian) Horus and Osiris 3000 BCE, (Phrygia) Attis and (India) Krishna 1400 BCE, Zoroaster 1000 BCE, (Persia) Mithra 600 BCE, (Greek) Dionysus and Adonis 200 BCE, and most recent to claim the famous birthday is the popular Christian figure Jesus.
Cancer Full Moon.
Is there someone you’ve got ‘beef’ with?
Hurt feelings may finally have their moment on the microphone. And watch out- there will be a lot to say! Christmas Week continues to pop off as a Cancer Full Moon culminates alongside a sharp Mercury-Mars conjunction and Chiron, the asteroid of wounds and healing, barrels forward in the sky. It’s time for wrongs to be righted before heading into the New Year.
Whether you are on the serving end or receiving end, someone is getting the dish. Those who put you in the wrong mood will suffer your spicy tongue, or vice versa. Post-Christmas energy is spicy, sassy, quick, and action-oriented. You might be running your mouth or running a packed schedule. You will certainly have a lot to say or do. But if you’ve been looking for the right time to make a big decision or cut something/someone during the December retrograde, then Christmas Week might just be it. For some people, this could be related to a situation that stretches as far back as July.
Venus enters Sagittarius.
Love or business in faraway places.
Who is this person or project that has you crossing the distance- whether virtually online or literally geographically? The urge to expand by exploring outside your zip code has been present since October and continues escalating into January. Where are you going? Also, Jupiter- the lucky planet- goes direct in the sky just in time for a New Year’s Eve toast. Positivity is on the way, even if holiday season had a slight rough patch. Everything will improve in January 2024 when Mercury Retrograde ends on the first day of the new year.
Most people tell me it’s better than therapy, that they wish they’d done it soon, and that they wish they could take the money + time they’d spent on other self-help programs to do this first instead.
Quit wondering, stop worrying, start acting.