JANUARY 2022 Horoscope
2022’s star alignments are mostly stellar however January is off to a slightly bumpy start due to a double retrograde.
Recall the Venus Retrograde love + money review began during holiday season and still continues through month’s end. Then, mid-month, a standard Mercury Retrograde communication + planning review kicks in on top of that; it’s not particularly unusual but may feel more intense because it’s doubled up with Venus’ love + money review.
Nationally, January still feels like “flashback 2020” for the USA. As predicted (go check my Dec ‘21 column- I told you this would happen), the country is dealing with new variations of old problems like the bug, 2020 Trump-Biden election debates, withering US dollar value, travel restrictions, and medical mandates.
While both retrogrades complete around the end of this month, give grace until March for things to get fully realigned. In fact, the springtime alignments are something to get excited about:
Feb, Mar, and Apr are my favorite star spreads of 2022!
Capricorn New Moon heralds a milestone in the winter love + money review guided by Venus Retrograde. We are getting past the toughest part of the retrograde in December, but still in the middle of sorting things out regarding matters of the heart or financial planning. Hopefully you’ve been meeting with a relationship coach or financial advisor, or actively reconsidering your approach to love and money.
Nationally, we are still journeying through ‘flashback 2020’ with new variations of old problems like the bug, 2020 Trump-Biden election debates, withering US dollar value, travel restrictions, and medical mandates.
Give grace until January’s end for things to lighten up, and until March to feel full steam ahead into 2022.
1/7-9 LOVE + MONEY MIDPOINT. Sun-Venus Retrograde makes you amorous, glamorous, or financially focused. A romantic decision or financial decision could be reached..
What part of your ‘love story’ needs to be re-written? Change your narrative to attract new types of partners, teach others to love you more effectively, or improve the outcome of your relationship.
What unrequited love might be rekindled? You could rendezvous with someone from that past to see if that flame still burns. However, carefully assess if that relationship deserves to be revived or if it needs the final burial.
Needing a break from romance for self-love, or needing to bring love off the backburner? If the romantic sphere has been too consuming lately, take a break from focusing on others to focus on yourself. Or, if worldly goals have put love on the backburner for awhile, reconnect with your beloved and prioritize romance again.
How does your relationship with money need to shift? If money produces worry, feels hard to make, or is something you avoid looking at, then the universe likely won’t send more of what doesn’t feel good to you. The first abundance trick is creating a positive emotion around money (such as money associated with the joys of travel, family wellbeing, or having a great home) so the universe can send you more of what feels good to your soul.
Can you square away debts? Pay off lingering expenses to feel more free and flexible.
Need to create a financial plan? Time to design a money game plan beyond your paycheck and paying basic bills. Consider an online course in investing or reach out to a financial planner. For those with an existing money map, it’s always a good idea to update those as we age and as new market opportunities arise. Don’t let your cash agenda go stale.
1/10-12 DREAMS OR WORRIES. Mars-Neptune can make us tired, daydreaming, lacking energy, or inclined to escape through alcohol. Lacking drive today so do things that can be accomplished passively. Consequently, can be very productive for creative work. On the news we’ll probably hear increased hype about the new bug version and pressure regarding jab.
Our first Mercury Retrograde communication + planning review cycle of 2022 begins. Remember that Mercury Retrogrades once per season (typically spring, summer, fall, and winter) so it’s nothing unusual. In fact, it’s quite normal and healthy.
Retrogrades ensure that we aren’t blindly moving forward without considering consequences or better alternatives.
Retrogrades allow us to review, reconsider, and realign.
What may feel like a ‘Mercury mishap’- cancelled plans, inconveniences, unexpected events- is actually the universe forcing us to stop and evaluate. Sometimes, a mishap can be a blessing in disguise. Eventually, we might see it as a small ‘Mercury miracle.’
January’s Mercury Retrograde might feel more intense since Venus, the planet of love + money, is also in Retrograde. Essentially, we have a double retrograde.
Also, certain events could be a continuation of similar circumstances in Jan-Feb 2021 so reflect on that timeframe last year.
1/17-18 EXPLOSIVE FREEDOM. Cancer Full Moon + Uranus Direct catapults freedom, independence, and blatant honesty. We are wanting to bust out or do something big and exciting to reenergize our lives. It’s the feeling of not giving a damn anymore and just going for it. Could observe some drama with others considering all this intensity. Nationally, people are getting tired of social restrictions so may have divisive or revolutionary attitudes. Likely there will be individual states or the Supreme Court blocking federal mandates.
1/23-25 BOILING POINT. Sun-Mercury Retrograde reaches the boiling point in the double retrograde of January. We are hashing out the last few 2020 karmic ties and exorcising demons during contingent to our love + money review. These next 72 hours signal words to be had or agreements to be made. Meanwhile, Mars enters the stock-broker mentality of Capricorn making us all more practical, money-minded, and determined to succeed over the next two months. This will escalate financial issues regarding the US economy, dollar value, and digital currency.
We are over the hump of January’s double retrograde.
Intensity decreases now through March. Breathe, there’s lots to look forward to in the spring!
Mercury-Pluto is vocal about the unfinished business from 2020, famous last words. Similar people or themes may have recently emerged around New Years.
Venus Direct concludes love + money review period, so relationships or financial planning start moving ahead.
Sun-Uranus feels liberated, innovative, or more hopeful about the future. A sigh of relief and bit of enthusiasm.
The stars are officially full steam ahead for 2022!
January’s double retrograde concludes with an exciting Aquarius New Moon, signaling clear skies and heralding the Year Of The Tiger (Chinese Lunar New Year).
The tiger symbolizes action, bravery, and willpower- we are ready to pounce!
Springtime benefits us with some of the best alignments of the year during Feb, Mar, and Apr.
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for the country as a whole sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.