APRIL 2022 Horoscope
April is the last high-speed month of 2022 as virtually no planets are in retrograde (until the very last day of the month). Last call for putting big plans into motion! Get on with getting on. Additionally, April skies contain two exceptional star alignments: lucky Jupiter meets psychic Neptune for the first time in 166 years + the first Eclipse of the year activates an eighteen-month storyline about Nature As Medicine, Immaterialism, Money As Medium Not Object, and Lighting Dark Power Plays.
The rare Jupiter-Neptune alignment on 4/12 symbolizes Impossible Dreams, Crowning Moments, Magic and Miracles, and the Kingdom Of Heaven at hand. Take time for spiritual practice and remember to ask your fairy godmother for a miracle.
The Taurus Solar Eclipse on 4/30 foretells of activations and wakeup calls that ‘turn on’ your greatest potential from Nov 2021-Oct 2023.
April summons miracles, angels to face demons, imagination to overcome the fallacy of logic, softening and heart-opening, serendipitous calls in the direction of destiny, and the fierceness to face fear in the name of freedom.
Key questions for April:
What would be a ‘dream come true’ if it could manifest this month?
How could daily spiritual practice create ‘everyday miracles’ in my life?
Where does my heart need to soften and open up in ways that my mind is resisting?
What old beliefs are on their way out the door?
Read the daily planetary playbook below.
3/31-4/2 OFF TO THE RACES.
The Aries New Moon around April Fool’s Day is a fiery lunation that’s no joke. The Aries New Moon is amplified by the handshake of messenger Mercury and mission-driven Sun, indicating it is spectacular for making a decision or announcement or launching a new endeavor. What are you fired up about right now? How can it get off to a great start? What is the most immediate action to be taken? Strong initiative, enthusiasm, determination, and go-getter wins the day. Carpe Diem! Possibly building off circumstances which originated around the Spring Equinox (approx. March 20th).
ambitious Mars unites with authoritarian Saturn taking things seriously, acting on responsibilities, and building firm foundations for success. However, warrior Mars and bossy Saturn can sometimes be a difficult energy. If that is the case, then today might feel frustrating, stalemated, or like something is breaking apart (possibly just your sanity…joking!). It can produce erratic or difficult behavior in other people, travel challenges, or accident or illness proneness.
4/5-5/2 THE STUFF DREAMS ARE MADE OF. Venus the attractor enters Pisces for the next month where she will have magical meetings with inspirational Jupiter and cosmic Neptune along her sky trek. Venus’ month-long course through Pisces promotes softening, heart-opening, compassion, imagination, and creative arts. It is a reminder that our goodness is the stuff dreams are made of and brings out the best that humanity has to offer. Perhaps her gentleness will assuage some of the Russia-Ukraine War and inspire empathy in the global community.
One of my favorite manifestation dates of the entire year! Jupiter the expander unites with Neptune the dreamer to amplify our creative capacity, hopes, and vision. There’s a need for hope, inspiration, and upliftment. What are you creating? This timing is superb for big launches or milestone experiences- go big!!
This unique alignment between lucky Jupiter and psychic Neptune portends the possibility of magic. You may notice signs, synchronicities, and powerful dreams during the Week Of April 12th. The angelic realms will be active. Call your Fairy Godmother. Ask for a miracle.
It is also a reminder to incorporate spiritual practice into our daily life for ‘everyday magic’.
Jupiter and Neptune haven’t aligned in this particular part of the sky, the constellation Pisces, in 166 years since 1856! (Fact: Jupiter and Neptune meet every 13 years in various areas of the sky, and the last time was in 2009 in the constellation Aquarius when Barack Obama was elected as the first black president in a formerly slave-bearing nation and bitcoin was invented as the first intangible money forever changing our financial system.)
4/14-5/24 DREAMS WORK WHEN YOU DO. Mars enters Pisces for 1.5 months amplifying the creative, compassionate, imaginative work that attractor Venus, lucky Jupiter, and psychic Neptune have recently established in the sky. We’ve done the dreaming part. Now, let’s get to work. Mars brings the muscle of implementation. Negatively used this could make us passive aggressive. Globally, this will prelude stories about an upcoming virus surge in May-June (a similar story will be told at the end of the year Oct 2022-Jan 2023).
This Libra Full Moon packs a punch as messenger Mercury collides with unpredictable Uranus for a surprise message or unexpected encounter. Who could this lightning zap come from? Meanwhile, Sun-Pluto magnifies intensity and power; it can feel overbearing if we are on the receiving end. Friday-Monday may hold a lot of intriguing experiences in a condensed timeframe. In some cases, can be a continuation of circumstances which first emerged Sept-Oct 2021.
attractor Venus unites with lucky Jupiter and dreamer Neptune to expand the miracles which their rare 166-year alignment started around the Week Of April 12th (some of the magic stretching back into March when several planets passed the constellation Pisces). Over the next five days you may serendipitously attract the right people or opportunities needed to advance your big dreams. What circumstances are suddenly falling into your path? Keep saying ‘yes’ to the doors which are opening (and remember that a closed door is still a ‘yes’ to another direction).
These dates are super for romance, celebration, creativity, spiritual ceremony, or planning big occasions.
The weekend is marked by the first eclipse of 2022, a Taurus Solar Eclipse, which is part of a series of transformations over the next eighteen months spanning November 2021-October 2023. Themes can involve nature as medicine, enlightened perspectives on money or materialism or your body, and liberation from possessiveness or attachment.
You may experience an activation or wakeup call that gets more turned on with each successive eclipse. See this weekend as a chapter in a story rather than an isolated event.
Pluto Retrograde revives old belief systems so they can be purged over the next five months from May to October- only new beliefs will get you different results.
Astrologically, Pluto is in its final convulsions exiting the constellation Capricorn and soon to enter the constellation Aquarius in 2023. This is truly the ‘death of old ways’.
Global assessments of patriarchal leadership, government corruption, consumer materialism, corporate greed, environmental raping, and inhumane harsh cruelty will be judged and partially purged between mid 2022- late 2023.
This could be the last year for Biden’s Administration (his stars don’t look favorable for finishing 2023, let alone his full term. If Biden does fulfill his full term, the last two years may be stricken with health issues, deaths/grief, or extreme challenges). And certainly the idea of a “New World Order” may arise more obviously in the mainstream in 2023.
Personally, the final threads of anything you are afraid of may get exhumed and exorcised from May-Oct. Initiation by fire. Walking through the thing that terrifies you most leaves you free on the other side.
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for the country as a whole sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.