SEPTEMBER 2021 Horoscope
Fairness + Relationships .
September stages the waterfall of reversals that transpire in October. Stay alert to who & what stand out this month, those will be the things which get tested next month.
September questions relationships: how we should we best interact with others- intimately, socially, and nationally.
Globally, the question “What is fair?” gets considered as we evaluate connections with other countries (remember- just because it’s happening somewhere else doesn’t mean we have no responsibility) as well as our own laws (remember- just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right).
Personally, the question “How would I like to be related to?” explores personal boundaries, our willingness to extend grace to others, and a glance at how we show up in our most private bonds.
9/6 WARNING SIGNS. Virgo New Moon welcomes new beginnings in employment, health, and the environment. Personally, it’s an effective time to institute greater work-life balance, begin a new wellness or fitness regimen, or take a break from the concrete jungle to reconnect with the great outdoors. You may feel a need to ‘clean up’ your schedule, space, or body. Nationally, a new announcement related to the medical crisis and its cure-all may arise, ecological concerns could add a layer of complexity to our ongoing state of crisis, and dilemmas around employment mandates may be hot. Also, Mercury Retrograde shadow period begins: keep an eye on who or what stands out from 9/6-26 because that’s what will get retrograded from 9/26-10/18. You’ve been warned!
9/14-10/31 PRINCE CHARMING. Mars enters Libra making us more social, romantic, and appearance-conscious through Halloween. Positively used we can be diplomatic, charming, popular, and aesthetically-skilled. Pretty people, pretty places, pretty things. Negatively used we can be acquiescing, passive aggressive, conflict-avoidant, or fluctuating. A sword in a velvet glove. Globally we may observe the passing of new laws/mandates— and heated debates around them—, notable court cases, evaluation of law makers or justice keepers, leavening of further social interaction requirements, the forging and falling out of national political alliances along with the emergence of national ‘frenemies’, and the temptation to conform in order to keep the peace. In it’s best use, Mars in Libra may actually ascertain justice and fairness around what is right and force decision-makers to adhere to their integrity.
9/20-22 FULL MOON + FALL EQUINOX. Pisces Full Moon combines with the Fall Equinox to intensify our feeling of urgency that times need to change. Equinoxes (and Solstices) represent the change of seasons in nature, and so represent a transition to the next chapter in our own lives. The Fall Equinox heralds our time to reap what we sow, harvest what we can, store resources away for safe-keeping, and sort through dead matter or unfulfilled potential. Something important could get confirmed around this time. Also, for some, this may connect back to people or situations in April.
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for the country as a whole sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.