MARCH 2021 Horoscope
Rehabilitation + Assimilation.
The bumpy start to the New Year has finally passed, going forward things are looking up! March initiates the two month phase of Rehabilitation + Assimilation that gets us moving in the right direction through April. Mars now exits it’s (re)building position from January-February, collectively our Revolution + Rebellion phase that was hallmarked- to the date- by the Jan 6th storming of the US Capitol by rioters amid the change of a leadership era. That Mars transition was a bit of a kicker. Fingers crossed this month’s March 3rd transition of the warrior planet is a bit more heroic. Also, by March 13th, Mercury fully realigns from it’s first Retrograde review cycle that presented detours to the start of the new year. We receive an excellent boost of creativity, hope, and inspiration around the Spring Equinox so we may really believe things are changing for the better by month’s end.
We have two months to rehab from 2020 Pandemic/New Year/US Presidential drama and settle into some normalcy from March-April.
3/3-4/23 TWO MONTHS TO TRAVEL. The warrior planet exits its (re)building phase from Jan-Feb, now entering its dissemination phase from Mar-Apr. The next two months have us eager to travel, reconnect socially, and digital prowess may become even more premium as energetic Mars zips through connector sign Gemini. Spring is a good time to get going, and the first two weeks of the month will help clean up bumps in the road from Jan-Feb. We remember Mars’ last sign change on Jan 6th when rioters stormed the US Capitol, so let’s hope this March 3rd sign change runs more smoothly.
Collectively, these hot topics will be scrutinized from March-June:
manipulative mainstream media reporting | social media censorship
personal data mining sold to government and commercial retailers | the validity of digital currency
international trade mandates | travel requirements
Good news is that Mercury has fully realigned from its first Retrograde review cycle that got the new year off to a bumpy start. You might notice around this time that things you were dealing with in Jan-Feb suddenly fall into place. Life is looking up! This is complimented by a glamorous alignment of the valiant Sun, popular Venus, visionary Neptune, with the creative Pisces New Moon. A superb time romance, riches, or a randy good time.
3/20-21 SPRING EQUINOX. Today marks the ‘natural’ New Year: when the Spring season begins, new life is hatching in the environment, and daylight hours are precisely equal to dark hours. That’s what ‘equinox’ means in Latin: equal day and night. The spark of initiation helps you give birth to new projects, relationships, and business opportunities. A very go-getter energy.
Historically, big events have occurred around Equinoxes such as the ancient selection of kings to modern spacecraft launches- so keep your eyes peeled in the news for announcements about new leaders, new innovations, or new laws.
3/25-26 HOT LUCK.
Sun and Venus meet in a fortuitous alignment. Professionally, it’s a smart day for money-making so ask for that bonus or push for a big sale. Personally, flirtatiousness and socializing may be at a peak so be sure you’re in good company. Venus is also the governess of beauty and luxury, so treat yourself to a cosmetic procedure, high-ticket item, or beautify your space.
3/28 LIBRA FULL MOON. The weekend builds upon themes in love or money which may have already been present around the 3/20 Spring Equinox and intensified around March 25th-26th. Rather than having a ‘winner takes all’ approach, this lunar energy is more successful with options that acquiesce both sides. Approach with a touch of diplomacy.
Wondering how to navigate the changing times?
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