NOVEMBER 2023 Futurecast
November 2023 is like a leap ahead in time.
This month holds 2024 energy as people, projects, and possibilities that will take flight next year are already manifesting.
2024 plans have been popping in since October, and November takes them past the brainstorming inspiration phase into the small solid steps phase. Some of you might be moving, starting a business, committing to a relationship, or making a major life upgrade around March-April-May 2024. But the implementation starts now.
Also, travel or non-local relationships + opportunities that have been popping up since October accelerate in November-December. Go where you’re called.
Meanwhile, you might be training in a skill or learning something right now that you’ll apply towards your success and happiness next year. Learn now like a diligent student so you can act like a master in 2024.
Making peace in relationships is also key in November. Summer was rough for relationships and while October helped to smooth things over there might remain a few final thorns in your rose bush. Don’t ruin a meaningful relationship by running away from healthy conflict that could clear the air and settle the dust. Bite the bullet, have the conversation, and offer the olive branch so you two can get back to smelling like roses. Also, be mindful of which relationships are disturbing your peace. Better relationships start with better picking, so if certain people are consistently creating disruption in your life, then consider why you’re so attracted to chaos and choose differently.
Also this month, it’s time to beef up your psychic boundaries. Psychic boundaries are the key to peace and power- who or what doesn’t deserve so much head space? Energy goes where attention flows, so stop overfantasizing about people you dislike and impending disasters that may never happen. If you’re going to be obsessed over something, let it be the people and things that are worthy of being crazy about.
What Can I Create For You?
You pick the classes, retreats, and coaching programs for next year…
Take the fun QUIZ in the link below to vote on your favorite topics for 2024!
What are you interested in learning about?-
Spiritual Destiny: Reincarnation, Soul Contracts, Past Lives, Karma, Your Service To Humanity, + personal mini-readings.
Monthly Energy: What To Do Next; real-time monthly opportunities and challenges based on your energy cycles, practical steps for planning ahead, + 30-day custom calendar each month.
Intuitive Intelligence: How To Read People And Trust Yourself; tools to develop your Sixth Sense of intuition, + live practice.
Energetics For Effective Leadership: Quantum Codes Of Your Corporate Style, cultivate your leadership skills aligned to your unique energy signature, better business decisions.
Conscious Connection: Energetics Of Matchmaking, Sex, Romance, & Breakups; why you love the way you love; should you stay or should you leave; when will you meet someone special; better relationships.
Ascended Master Training: Become A Spiritual Adept; learn about Universal Laws, Power, Truth, Ritual, Manifestation Techniques, & Spirit Guides.
Astrology 101: How To Figure Yourself Out- or anyone else! “Know Thyself”, why we are the way we are and how to get the results we want from each other; learn to read natal charts.
Astrology 201: Divine Timing & Predicting The Future: learn to read planetary cycles/ chart transits, chakras, and oracle cards.
Astrology 301: How To Guide People; psychoanalysis, coaching others, finding the real “issue behind the issue”, giving trustworthy actionable advice; learn how to do a reading or run a coaching session.
Who/What Doesn’t Deserve So Much Headspace?
Psychic boundaries protect your peace and power.
Your mental obsessions might be depleting you. Thought, attention, feeling, and time govern your invisible force field. Who or what don’t deserve so much headspace? Stop feeding an energy that doesn’t feed you. For example, when something disappointing happens- but you’re still obsessing about it days or weeks after the fact; when you’re thinking about work- while you’re not at work; when you’re worried in advance about something that hasn’t occurred yet- and might not even occur. Minimize your tendency to overfantasize about Armageddons in your life and quit inviting the people and things you don’t like to have such a significant seat in you inner sanctuary. Sanity looks like psychic boundaries that are focused in the present moment on the people and things that make you feel connected to your peace and your power.
My meditation teacher once told me a story about when he met the Dalai Lama who asked my teacher about his meditation practice and then inquired, “What did you think about in the shower this morning?” My teacher replied, “My work meetings for the day ahead, my boss, my clients, the kids, and the electrician stopping by the house later.”
The Dalai Lama joked: “Does your wife know you invite so many people to shower with you?”
The point of the joke was a reminder to stay present in the moment and not let the mind constantly wander to things that aren’t happening, that don’t require your attention at that time, or that don’t bring you joy.
Poor psychic boundaries and mental obsessions are also a sneaky form of self-sabotage because they secretly prevent you from focusing energy on other areas of your life that require attention. It’s worth asking yourself why you’re avoiding focusing attention on other things. Because while your mental obsession might be uncomfortable, it could also be distracting you from other things that feel even more uncomfortable, unfamiliar, where you feel less confident, or that you’re not yet sure you want to address.
For example, how does constantly obsessing about work secretly allow you to avoid looking at your relationships or how does constantly obsessing about money secretly allow you to avoid investing in things that would uplevel your life or how does constantly obsessing about the drama of a boss you dislike secretly allow you to avoid spending time in your hobbies after work or taking the risk to look for a job that makes you happy?
During a recent coaching session with a client who felt stuck in a funk, I asked her: “What are you thinking about that’s pissing you off?” She said- “What’s pissing me off is work and the fact that I’m constantly thinking about work- even while I’m not at work.” Perfect example of where a psychic boundary was needed.
I then asked my client, “Why is obsessing about work easier or safer than thinking about other things in your life?” She answered: “Because work is my comfort zone and it’s easier than having to figure out what I’m truly passionate about in life.” Bingo. The mental obsession was depleting her, but also serving as a scapegoat from exploring an area of her life where she felt less confident.
I pivoted my client by encouraging her to make a list of other, more positive obsessions she has; things she’s always been interested in, curious about, and excited by—but never had the chance to fully explore. The list of passions was amazing! Anytime she starts obsessing about work outside of work, I told my client to say the mantra- “I am returning to my life and falling in love with things that excite me”- and to engage in one of those passionate activities that feeds her energy.
Once we were able to spot the mental obsession and zipper up her psychic boundaries, my client felt more mental peace and power over a situation that had been eating her alive by instead shifting attention to the things that made her feel alive. I’m super proud of her ability to redirect her attention and she’s doing great.
If you’re stuck in a funk or spiraling in a situation that feels out of control, then it might be time to book a session with me. I’ve got a few great exercises for strengthening psychic boundaries so we can get you restored to your peace and power.
Direction With Connection.
Relationships determine the quality of our life because- for better or worse- we always have to interact with other people.
Now is the time to make peace in your relationships or seek relationships that make more peace in your life.
If you’ve had a snafu with someone, smooth it over. Stop avoiding the speedbump or pretending its not there; just slow down, acknowledge it, and gently glide over it so the two of you can keep on cruising. You’ll be amazed how small gestures of sincerity and kindness can overcome huge roadblocks. The key is to just quit avoiding the roadblock; avoidance is what creates major delays and detours. Stay on the straight path by approaching directly yet dignified, offering a resolution, crossing the hurdle, and enjoying the rest of the ride. Don’t get off your path or ruin the ride of your relationship simply because you are afraid to confront a speedbump.
Also, pick people that bring peace. Better relationships start with better picking. Choose individuals that inspire joy, elevation, and confidence in you. Look at the choices they’re making in their own lives and ask yourself: “Am I okay with that? Would I want that to be me?” And pick people who challenge your bullshit, not just people who always agree with you—but people who truly see you, call forth the best in you, and call you back to your best when you’ve stepped out of alignment. Peace and positive relationships aren’t always easy, but they’re worth it.
Peace and positive relationships aren’t always local either. What you’re seeking isn’t necessarily convenient to your zip code. People, projects, and possibilities you love sometimes require a quest. You may have to get on a plane, drive somewhere, or collaborate online to have the high quality connections and opportunities that are worth your energy. Don’t settle just because something is outside your front door. October, November, and December hold non-local relationships and business potential in faraway places. Go where you are called.
11/11, 12, 13 & 17: WILD CARD.
Surprises or Bombshells.
Something unexpected pops into your field mid-November that feels disruptive or exciting, depending on how you deal with surprises. Situations that have been holding pent up energy may explode, but ultimately the release leads to relief. Anything that has been stifling you is looking for a breakthrough point. Catharsis always results in rebalancing or progress.
If a challenging situation is brewing, then some punches may fly around mid-month but meeting the confrontation where it is will be necessary to dissipate the energy. Show up for battle, yet with the intention of letting boiling heat simmer down into a comfortable stew. Part of you is feeling sassy, spicy, and perhaps even a bit petty; meanwhile, the other part of you is calmly patting you on the head: “There there dear.” Like when a child is throwing a tantrum, and their parent lets them cry until they get it all out and then suddenly the child is okay, calm, and ready to return to their parent’s arms. Confront the fire head on and it will fizzle just as quickly.
If a positive situation has been building, then a stroke of luck may strike mid-month, but you’ll have to act instantaneously to seize the moment. Don’t overthink it. Say yes, take action, and move forward with the momentum. This rare portal of potential will shut as swiftly as it opened. Take the leap.
Either way, this experience may be linked to people, events, or feelings that were already present around Halloween Weekend.
Where are you going? Travel has been popping up since October and accelerates through the holidays into the New Year. November, December, and January amplify your jet-setting prospects. Who is this person, project, or possibility in a faraway place that you are so curious about? Go!
Also, you may be learning something, getting educated, or training in a skill during November, December, and January that you’ll apply towards your career or happiness in 2024.
The 11/27 Gemini Full Moon has you chatting with or traveling to like minds. You are connecting intellectually or in person with people on your same wavelength. An excellent date to plan a ‘meeting of the minds’!
Also, solidify your creative framework. Plans for 2024 have been popping in since October and November takes them past the brainstorming inspiration phase into the small solid steps phase as you’re already visioning into next year. Put firm resources, meetings, and goals around visions for the next 6 months that could become a dream come true by Spring 2024. Some of you might be moving, starting a business, committing to a relationship, or making a major life upgrade around March-April-May next year. But the implementing starts now.
If you’re prospecting a person or possibility outside your comfort zone or zip code, then it may be time to come chat with me. Let’s get an energy reading on if it’s going to be worthy of your effort.
Most people tell me it’s better than therapy, that they wish they’d done it soon, and that they wish they could take the money + time they’d spent on other self-help programs to do this first instead.
Quit wondering, stop worrying, start acting.